Table of Contents
Getting Started
    Privacy Policy
    Rated Game Policy
  My Profile
    Live Games
      Main Room
      Game Table
    Turn-based Games
    Game Rules
  Player Rankings
  Game Database

  Scheduling Games
  Playing Games
  Tournament Formats

  General FAQ
  Game Rules FAQ
  Applet TroubleShooting
  Java Web Start FAQ


Playing - Main Room

From the main room, you can:
Chat with all players
You can chat with other players in the main room. There are 2 boxes at the bottom left of the screen. The upper box displays all chat messages and the bottom box allows you to type in messages to all other players. To send your chat message, just type Enter on your keyboard.

See who is logged in currently
You can see all the players who are currently logged into the game room in the player listing to the right. By double-clicking on a player's name, you can view the player's game statistics in a popup window.

Configure some options
Click the Options button to configure a few things in the game room. These options will be stored on the server so you only have to set them up once. Current options allow you to:
  • Have a bell ring when a new player joins the game room
  • Have a timestamp displayed on all chat messages
  • Have text notifications of players joining and exiting the game room
Also note that the timestamp and text notification options will apply to both the main room and each game table you are in.

View Server Stats
If you click the Server Stats button you can view statistics about the server, such as how long the server has been running, how many games have been played in that time, the maximum number of players on at one time, etc. The statistics will be displayed in a popup window.

Create a Game Table
To play games you need to play in a Game Table. If you want to start a new table click the Create New Table button, this will open a new window. You can create as many tables as you'd like. Or you can join another players table, see the next section.

Join a Game Table
In the upper left of the screen there are sections for each game table. This area of the screen shows the game, who is playing in the table, who is watching, and if the game is rated or not, and the time controls for the table. To join the table click the Join button. If the table is private, you will not be able to join unless you are invited. You can join more than 1 table at once!

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