Sad to say, but this is one of the reasons there are so few new players
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Jun 3, 2015, 12:04 PM
Jan 23, 2002
Forest Grove, Oregon
47 Home page
Re: Sad to say, but this is one of the reasons there are so few new players
Mar 1, 2013, 8:15 PM
I'd +1 Rich's comment. Guest accts are simply not needed (especially on a free site).
If there is a valid reason guest accounts need to be here restrictions on writing anything to forums & the availability of the chat function in the game room should be taken away. I like Rich's idea that a guest can only access a guest table and play with other guests too....that would eliminate a bunch of problems.
Guest acct's just get abused too much the way they're set up right now.
Agree with Rich and brf regarding guest accounts. The only good I've seen come out of temporary accounts is they gave us the ability to log back in when the tables were frequently hanging up. There may be some other valid reasons, but none that I can think of.
Dec 16, 2001
cottage grove, oregon Home page
Re: Sad to say, but this is one of the reasons there are so few new players
Mar 2, 2013, 3:31 AM
Yeah! I think that there has been just about enough said about this subject under the catagorization of (whatever, . . . you name it!), as another wikipedia subject under the category of game site protocol, so just let me add my one last comment! Blah blah, woof woof!
Re: Sad to say, but this is one of the reasons there are so few new players
Mar 2, 2013, 6:56 AM
To make sure that I covered every base, let me relate the fact that I have ten foot long atomantium man-boobs. I don't think we've covered that and the problem they pose enough yet.
I once tried to use a hack saw to cut them off, but they are made of freaking atomantium! I eventually had to have special wheeled trollies mounted on them just so I could walk in public.
Re: Sad to say, but this is one of the reasons there are so few new players
Mar 2, 2013, 5:52 PM
Well...That is an interesting question, although I have no immediate answer...
I am able to reply with a few questions. This tournament you are planning; will it be pente or connect6? How much would I be required to drink in order to qualify as being drunk?(Dancing on the bar drunk, or just a wee bit tipsy?) Oh, and is there any rule as to what beverage I would need to drink in order to become drunk?
Btw, my name is jaqueline, and depending on your answers to my questions I may or may not be interested in registering...
Re: Sad to say, but this is one of the reasons there are so few new players
Jun 3, 2015, 6:43 AM
Hi Everyone!
I hope you are all well
I have decided that after a long break away from here I would drop in and look around. I came across this thread and it brought back memories of why I left.
For the record I left for two reasons. Firstly, my career and personal life became too demanding so I needed to give up my addition - and it was an addiction coming in here to chat and play with everyone.
Secondly, as Bluegreen has said, there was a small but persistent group of people who just seemed to want to attack people. Towards the end of my time at this site, I was on the receiving end of some personal attacks from one person in particular. I got to the point with it that I just thought that "as I was going to leave anyway I may as well go now, as I just don't need this stress in my life.". So I did.
Since that time I have found it in my heart to understand and forgive, and also I think I have a thicker skin now. Some people just have to behave the way they do for their own reasons. I don't have to worry about why, that's their problem. I will just set them to ignore and go on my happy way.
I really do miss some of the people who played in that era - 2007 - 2012. If any of you are still around, perhaps send me a message to say hello and we could maybe chat and play some games.
Re: Sad to say, but this is one of the reasons there are so few new players
Jun 3, 2015, 12:04 PM
Now, now. This thread is from 2013 and the participants have long since buried the hatchet. This is one particular discussion that does not need reviving.
Let's settle our battles by means of a Pente board