Dec 16, 2001
Powell, OH
37 Home page
Re: leaderboard
Sep 19, 2008, 4:57 AM
No, I don't want to wipe out the current statistics. But that says alot mike that you would still be in favor of the change!
The way requiring rated sets would work is: 1. if you want to play rated, you have to play rated sets. 2. if you don't want to play rated, then you can play unrated games, you wouldn't have to play a set.
There's a way you can do a makeshift rated set right now:
-Play game one unrated. -Play game two unrated. At the very end, if the person who wins is the same as the person who won game one, click rated IMMEDIATELY after the game ends. This will make the 2nd game rated, and it will be like the winner has won a set. -If the person who won game two lost game one, then both games are unrated and there is no rating change.
It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.
It currently works, and not as a glitch. If you check or uncheck the rating box within about a second of the end of the game, the game will become rated or unrated accordingly.
It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.
Dec 16, 2001
Powell, OH
37 Home page
Re: leaderboard
Sep 19, 2008, 3:07 PM
hmm, that is bad if you can change the game to rated/unrated after the game ends. i did recently have other problems in that area (games counted as draws) so i guess it is possible, but i don't see a bug in the code.
my vote for making changes is leave it alone, you can put lipstick on the secound move, but its still the secound move, pente is like every other stratric game like chess, checkers and dating, the male must ask for the date first, don't be late and honk the horn atleast twice to get her moving ! Dweebo please don't change the essence of pente and this rating system, which is spot on. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, a good artist knows when to put the brush down. just advertise, !, like at the pente gathering at new orleans in may !, I'll help pay for the banners that will hang in the ballroom, which will be seen on new orleans TV news...... " yikes ! "
Feb 17, 2008
Edge of Space Home page
Re: leaderboard
Sep 20, 2008, 6:09 PM
Ok now to throw a wrench in the works altogether lol....If the leaderboard is really all about enticing new players to get their name up, then I have a suggestion. The top 5 active players only from each level of expertise being red, yellow and then blue (if you can get green on there then super, but that'd be 20 slots), thus giving new players something to shoot for that won't take the better part of a year to achieve.