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Topic: R6 - be_water vs spavacz
Replies: 24   Views: 39,798   Pages: 2   Last Post: Apr 14, 2018, 12:36 AM by: be_water

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R6 - be_water vs spavacz
Posted: Oct 31, 2017, 3:01 PM

Kindly discuss possible times in this thread. For the sake of efficiency, please propose a date or range, and then come up with a counter proposal until the match is played.


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Registered: Feb 24, 2011
Re: R6 - be_water vs spavacz
Posted: Nov 19, 2017, 6:55 PM

Sorry I have been slow to respond. I will start checking this thread for updates. I'm not sure what timezone you are in spavacz but I am EST. Right now I can for sure play Monday through Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday between 7 and 9 pm and on Sunday all day. I wish I could put more time but I work six days a week and never know when I will be home until the day of; I may be able to play earlier some weekdays too but will never know until it comes. If there is a big time difference Sundays might be the day. Let me know what your schedule looks like.


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Age: 27
Re: R6 - be_water vs spavacz
Posted: Nov 22, 2017, 7:07 PM

Hey be_water,

It looks like our timezone difference is 6h as I'm in CEST. I'd prefer to play on the weekends and I can see it would work for you as well.


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Re: R6 - be_water vs spavacz
Posted: Dec 2, 2017, 3:06 AM

I'm working this Saturday. How about this Sunday at noon for me which I think would be 6pm for you?


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Re: R6 - be_water vs spavacz
Posted: Dec 2, 2017, 1:00 PM

It's 50/50 on my side. I'll try to make it but don't wait for me more than 15 mins.


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Re: R6 - be_water vs spavacz
Posted: Dec 3, 2017, 8:32 PM

Apologies, couldn't make it. Would next Sunday 9pm my time work for you?


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Re: R6 - be_water vs spavacz
Posted: Dec 7, 2017, 3:52 AM

That works; I'll be there.


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Re: R6 - be_water vs spavacz
Posted: Dec 16, 2017, 5:02 PM

Hey Spavacz,
Just realized I can't play at 2pm/8pm tomorrow because I have company for holidays. I thought they would be gone by then but am mistaking. I could play at like 9pm my time but it seems like that would be way to late for you. I am free to play Saturday or Sunday next week if you have the time


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From: Poland
Age: 27
Re: R6 - be_water vs spavacz
Posted: Dec 17, 2017, 11:34 AM

I won't be able to make it. Let's try first weekend of January?


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Re: R6 - be_water vs spavacz
Posted: Dec 30, 2017, 4:24 AM

Sorry, I took so long to respond.

I can play tomorrow or the day after if you are still open.


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From: Poland
Age: 27
Re: R6 - be_water vs spavacz
Posted: Jan 6, 2018, 2:43 PM

Sorry, I was out for a couple of days. Is 8pm my time fine for you for this/next Sunday?


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Re: R6 - be_water vs spavacz
Posted: Jan 11, 2018, 2:34 AM

yep, I'll be there


Posts: 62
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Age: 27
Re: R6 - be_water vs spavacz
Posted: Jan 14, 2018, 8:27 PM

Hey, since we couldn't make it work today, will next Sunday work for you? Also 8pm my time?


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Re: R6 - be_water vs spavacz
Posted: Jan 28, 2018, 5:20 PM

pinging be_water


Posts: 74
Registered: Feb 24, 2011
Re: R6 - be_water vs spavacz
Posted: Jan 29, 2018, 2:28 AM

sorry for not replying lately; between getting promoted, getting a new girlfriend, and doing more course work in left over time I have not been checking in here like I should.

I can do next Sunday Feb. 4 if that works for you Spavacz. I will figure out during the week if I have Saturday off so that might be an option too.

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