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Topic: Time to sign up! Q.F.S.P. Tourney #2
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Re: Time to sign up! Q.F.S.P. Tourney #2
Posted: Jan 23, 2008, 9:55 PM

u can sign me up, and i'll try to be there, but i may not be available, in which case u can forfeit me once the tour starts.


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Re: Time to sign up! Q.F.S.P. Tourney #2
Posted: Jan 23, 2008, 10:44 PM

I'll play, although I'd much prefer a double elimination tournament

(maybe consider doing something like this with C6 sometime? )


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Re: Time to sign up! Q.F.S.P. Tourney #2
Posted: Jan 23, 2008, 11:58 PM

nm,..ima PM it this to you.

Message was edited by: zoeyk at Jan 23, 2008 6:32 PM

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Re: Time to sign up! Q.F.S.P. Tourney #2
Posted: Jan 24, 2008, 12:08 AM

I'm in.


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Re: Time to sign up! Q.F.S.P. Tourney #2
Posted: Jan 24, 2008, 2:08 AM

@ nodnarbo:

speed tournaments are traditionally single elim, the idea being you finish the tournament in a short amount of time, but it's up to zoey.

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.

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Re: Time to sign up! Q.F.S.P. Tourney #2
Posted: Jan 24, 2008, 2:11 AM

I s'pose, I just don't like getting out immediately


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Re: Time to sign up! Q.F.S.P. Tourney #2
Posted: Jan 24, 2008, 2:13 AM

it would SO help if we used BK ratings


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Re: Time to sign up! Q.F.S.P. Tourney #2
Posted: Jan 24, 2008, 5:22 PM

who's signing who up then? This is not showing up under Tournaments here right?


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Re: Time to sign up! Q.F.S.P. Tourney #2
Posted: Jan 24, 2008, 8:58 PM

if you look at the first post of this thread you'll see that im adding players in a list. results of this tourney along with crowns will be posted at pente.homestead.com in the Q.F.S.P. stats section.

and no we cant go by Bk ratings,..we are going by speed ratings which is different than regular pente or turn base. in turn based u have time to think and can use the data base. in speed you cannot. some players that are great in turn base are not so great in speed. that is why we are using the speed pente ranking for this type of tourney.

and yes single elim seems correct. 14 players in double elim could take a while, and jozso and spavacz are allready starting at 3 am thier time. and this is suppose to be a Quick tourney,. hence the name.
I think karl is right about doing double elim for the smaller numbers,..not for 14 players though.


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Re: Time to sign up! Q.F.S.P. Tourney #2
Posted: Jan 24, 2008, 11:03 PM

so you are saying that this will be played here, at pente.org on saturday, right?


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Re: Time to sign up! Q.F.S.P. Tourney #2
Posted: Jan 25, 2008, 12:39 AM

Yes, in the main room, at the specified date and time.

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.

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Re: Time to sign up! Q.F.S.P. Tourney #2
Posted: Jan 25, 2008, 1:09 AM

I am for double elemnation, also there needs to be some kind of automatic pairing when matches are finished so it want be everybody asking zoey where do I go , what table am i to go too, OH ! wait , now I'll go ask karl, wait !, mybe ukie knows !...............


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Re: Time to sign up! Q.F.S.P. Tourney #2
Posted: Jan 25, 2008, 5:05 AM

to lepews....event location is on the first post of the thread.

to jhs55....i dont think double elim will be quick and i dont think the euro players will like it at 3 am.

The following underlined statment i said was in error,
turns out Dweebo has allready scripted this.
my appologies.
and automatic pairing? well dweebo would need to script that, and that is some serious scripting im sure will not be happening.
and since we dont know who will win the first sets yes you guys will have to wait for me and karl to figure it out. no way around it.

and im sure it will only take a couple minutes to figure out so i dont see the problem.


Message was edited by: zoeyk at Jan 24, 2008 11:11 PM

Message was edited by: zoeyk at Jan 25, 2008 3:13 PM

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Re: Time to sign up! Q.F.S.P. Tourney #2
Posted: Jan 25, 2008, 5:14 AM

As nod makes abundantly clear, the 1st vs last arrangement sucks to the extreme, as it makes the lower ranked players not even want to try. This isn't Wimbledon. There are not a gazillion other players just waiting for an opportunity to play if the existing lower ranked players bum out on it. You may get one or 2 lower ranked players to play at this a couple of times, but if all they ever do is lose out vs the top players in the 1st round every time, they will eventually lose heart and give up. Everybody needs to be challenged with some hope of winning.

Rather than:
1 vs 14
2 vs 13
3 vs 12
4 vs 11
5 vs 10
6 vs 9
7 vs 8

I strongely advocate:
1 vs 8
2 vs 9
3 vs 10
4 vs 11
5 vs 12
6 vs 13
7 vs 14

If I were 14th seed I would feel much better about playing #7 and having a better chance than vs #1. The whole point is for everyone to enjoy the tournament, not just the top seeds to get their jollies and the bottom seeds to experience disappointment even before they play.


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Re: Time to sign up! Q.F.S.P. Tourney #2
Posted: Jan 25, 2008, 5:32 AM

I want my jollies too........

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