i think as long its not a private table it is no real private conversation. but i don't really understand why bluegreen makes such a big thing of it. to me it is fishing for attention and nothing else.
It is disrespectful to display a conversation from a table (private or not) to a public forum unless all table members agree to do so. It is assumed that the conversation being had is between the individuals in the room, just like it is assumed that 2 or more people on a phone call are not having their conversation recorded and posted on You Tube, iTunes, etc. Just because we can do something, even if it's technically legal to do so, doesn't mean we should.
I would prefer that many of my conversations not be recorded or repeated, my text not be C & P'd, and my actions not be videotaped without my consent. However, I know from personal experience that it happens. I have learned not to say or do anything that will come back to bite me in the butt if it is "exposed"(my actions or words, not my butt...)
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: member's voting poll regarding table chat privacy
Mar 1, 2013, 2:22 AM
when i go into the lobby now, every one has their table set to private. i assume it could be because players are afraid of their chat being posted. so now I can't just pop into a table and view or say hi, i have to interrupt their thought during play with a pop up invite asking if they can invite me. not a big deal i guess, but sets a certain tone in the lobby now sorta.
this is what the current chat policy section provides:
___________________Table Chat and Player List Each table is also a chat room separate from the main room for chat about the game or anything else. The chat works the same way as in the main room. There is also a listing of all players in the table that works the same way as the main room.
Message was edited by: zoeyk at Feb 28, 2013 9:25 PM
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Re: member's voting poll regarding table chat privacy
Mar 1, 2013, 4:45 AM
A policy change won't force people to be considerate of others; even if it would, it would be unreasonable to expect Dweebo to write an essay explaining how to "play nice". People that treat others respectfully don't need policy explaining how to do that, they just know. Those that are disrespectful of others couldn't care less about policy. Just my 2 cents.
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: member's voting poll regarding table chat privacy
Mar 1, 2013, 6:13 AM
I suppose your right, but it would give a leg to stand on as far as having something to point to, to support the majority of the communities opinion of what the social rules are desired to be, and also what the site owner expects. perhaps, having good faith policies are still good to implement even when we know the world could ignore them. at least there would be some disclosure of a majorities hope and or expectation. just my opinion.
ok additionally, an example: John (mythical name) has his chat copied and pasted into the lobby without his consent. John is offended and wants the admin to erase it. The admin is empowered to make that call, but perhaps the Admin will feel compelled to make a call in line with written site policies, especially where if the person whom pasted in the chat further argues that there is no rule against it, and the admin feels unable to justify deleting the post as a result. but, if there were a preset policy in place compelled by majority decision, the admin would have no trouble deciding to delete it. etc,,,
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