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Topic: The Welcoming Committee
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Posts: 99
Registered: Aug 14, 2008
The Welcoming Committee
Posted: Nov 10, 2011, 10:15 PM

I have another proposal to share with you, one that penteman and I discussed briefly a while ago.

Wouldn't it be awesome to have a welcoming committee at pente.org? In many neighborhoods it is customary to welcome new neighbors by bringing them a cake or a pie, or inviting them to an event or party. We could do a version of that here. I'm not sure how it would work. Although I am sure others here would have some great ideas.

Off the top of my head I'm able to think of several players to nominate for this committee. To name just a few: kolia,penteman, zoey, niobium, be_water, ukie, and jhs55.

Any thoughts on this topic?


Message was edited by: jaqueline_ at Nov 10, 2011 4:43 PM


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Re: The Welcoming Committee
Posted: Nov 12, 2011, 5:30 PM

For the record, in my above post I was NOT proposing that we bake pastries to deliver to new players... I was merely suggesting that we take an action (or actions) that would stir up the sensations that occur when we are welcomed into a new community... Some of us experienced the good fortune of being graciously welcomed to pente.org from the "get go". Others have not had that experience.


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Re: The Welcoming Committee
Posted: Nov 13, 2011, 10:24 AM

walked up to the comp to read your second post while holding a mixing bowl with flour and eggs n stuff. now aborting the baking plan.

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Re: The Welcoming Committee
Posted: Nov 13, 2011, 10:27 AM

i think we need to make a welcome to pente.org video. that could be what you direct them to to feel welcome. any one willing to do the voice over for that? i can make the vid if some one wants to donate their voice for it.

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Re: The Welcoming Committee
Posted: Nov 13, 2011, 11:49 AM

So you're saying Jaq, that there are districts in the US, that if I move in, hypothetically, each of my new neighbours will bring me a cake or pie, or invite me to some event or party. Hmmm, I like cakes... where are those places? I've experienced hose-warmings - but they all are organised by the "new guy".

Now seriously, I can't imagine how you would like to welcome newcomers warmer then we're doing it now. Let's write a scenario. You and Jack play with each other, and suddenly someone new is entering lounge (yeah, let's assume this guy is really lucky, and didn't face an empty room). Now what happens? - he's approaching your table. In old days, you guys start talking, play with him few times. Say bye bye at the end and that's pretty much it. If he had had a good time and enjoyed your company, you might see him/her again.

Being friendly and willing to play are remedies in my book. You can also give him/her some tips to improve their games. But can you do something more than that... I can't make up anything more.

I like the idea of video tutorial - it could explain website, how to check statistics, previous games, and stuff. And another one about basics of the game - I don't know if you guys have seen tutorial (it covers basics of Pente) that was made by Dmitri King but it could be transformed into video, at least some points of it. I have a copy of it somewhere, website where it was posted is no longer accessible.

I've never seen c6 tutorial. Maybe this is something you could do, Jaq? Come on, give it a go!


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Re: The Welcoming Committee
Posted: Nov 13, 2011, 1:01 PM

Nice thoughts Jaq. I tend to go along with what kolia is saying though, in the sense of what else could one do to welcome new people?

Clearly the desired result is to increase the likelihood of this new player coming back again. Beyond the warm and friendly intro we also need to tick some other boxes like making sure there are routinely enough people here to play live games. I think it is often overlooked that it is the thrill of competition that is one of the attractions of these sites, but if there is nobody here...


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Re: The Welcoming Committee
Posted: Nov 13, 2011, 6:55 PM

Great idea jaqueline,
the first thing that needs to happen to get more people playing here is to: new owners of this site must change .org to a .net !
Profits must be generated. then everything will fall into place...
Like I is said, great idea jaq, it seems like a " greeter " at a walmart when you first walk inside there is a live person there to say hello and ask you if your all right or to direct you to where you might want to go, this could all be done with a video, of course with different languagues.
I am thinking of a computer generated image of one of those smiley faces could be the offical greeter face of whatever this site will be called in the near future !..


Posts: 99
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Re: The Welcoming Committee
Posted: Nov 13, 2011, 8:14 PM

Oh Zoey...your idea for the video is brilliant! And actually I think your voice would be perfect for the project...


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Re: The Welcoming Committee
Posted: Nov 13, 2011, 8:17 PM

By the way, your first post in this thread gave me the giggles. I envisioned you in your chef's coat and a pastry chef's hat with your bowl in hand... Too bad you aborted the baking plan...


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Re: The Welcoming Committee
Posted: Nov 13, 2011, 8:26 PM

I am saying kolia, that if you move into my neighborhood I will absolutely bake you a cake and bring it to your door...

As to the scenarios that you described, you are spot on...


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Re: The Welcoming Committee
Posted: Nov 14, 2011, 12:38 AM

Thats great what you guys are saying......BUT....so many wonderful players in a Browsing room and NOBODY in a Playing Room. New players are coming ready to play but nobody say HI ...WELCOME TO PENTE.ORG....Playing room is empty. I am talking to Zoey, Jaq, Jack, Clyde, PM, Kolia, myself and etc....



Posts: 99
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Re: The Welcoming Committee
Posted: Nov 14, 2011, 9:20 PM

Dear Inna,

Yes, we are aware of the situation you described in your above post. Alison's thread " Weekly Pente Night" is a solution she is in the process of implementing to remedy the situation. (I predict her solution will have a successful outcome...) As I see it, the goal is to "grow" pente.org, subseqently we will have many playmates we can play live games with. The thread titled "The Welcome Committee" is another attempt to achieve the same outcome.

I believe we are either a part of the problem or a part of the solution. If one believes that statement to be true, then one of the questions that arises is 'Which do you prefer to be?' I prefer the latter; In my experience, being solution oriented creates a much happier life...

With warm regards,


Posts: 99
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Re: The Welcoming Committee
Posted: Nov 15, 2011, 9:41 PM

I just noticed a name on the dashboard that I have not seen in a very long time.

Welcome back invictus!...



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Re: The Welcoming Committee
Posted: Mar 1, 2013, 3:13 PM

Please be responsible for the energy that you bring to this space...


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Re: The Welcoming Committee
Posted: Mar 10, 2013, 8:10 PM

the one thought, yes.

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