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Topic: Changelog
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Posted: May 11, 2005, 4:28 PM

Release - 5/17/2005 11:00am
- Fixed registration bug, caused by upgrade to new jdbc drivers.
- Fixed bug in storing finished games to db when one player is booted and the other player resigns.
- Minor changes to tournament code to allow admins to mark players as forfeiting a round AND/OR as dropping out of tournament.
- Redid the tournament "restrictions" code to make it easier for admins. Now we can create tournaments and decide whether to restrict to established players or not with a simple radio button.

Release - 5/12/2005 10:44am
- Added new sounds when a game ends and you win or lose.

Release - 5/11/2005 10:00am
- Fixed bug where player swaps after games weren't going to all players, just to players in the table. Caused players in main room to see wrong players.
- Fixed bug where in tournaments, main room would list table as playing games with 20/0 timers, instead of 1/5 or whatever the tournament specified.
- Fixed bug looking up games from speed tournaments using links on tournament pages.
- Upgraded mysql jdbc library to latest version.
- Order completed tournaments on tournaments page by completion date.
- Fixed NPE bug with main room table display and JDK1.5.

Pente Rocks!


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Changelog -
Posted: May 23, 2005, 6:38 PM

Release - 5/23/2005
- Improved responsiveness of system I hope by creating copy of database for game history searches. If you've played in a speed tournament lately you might have noticed that sometimes it takes a long time to store the game and update the tournament results. This happens because of the way mysql locks tables, when someone does a slow games history search it actually locks up the system temporarily (no games can be stored in db). I've actually also noticed other times when the game server is unresponsive for quite a few seconds, I believe it traces back to this issue as well.

So the solution I'm using is to maintain a complete read-only copy of the database for use by game history searches. That way you can still get real-time search results (or nearly real-time, there may be a few second delay), and the game server should be way more responsive.

[Update 5/24/2005] Mysql replication was not configured quite correctly so the games history stopped showing games played after yesterday morning. That has been fixed now.

Pente Rocks!

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Re: Changelog -
Posted: May 24, 2005, 1:08 AM

Well done, Dweebo!


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Re: Changelog -
Posted: May 25, 2005, 10:38 PM

Release - 5/25/2005
- Improved Invite Player functionality:
--- You can now specify a message to send to an invitee.
--- The invitee sees additional info, such as game name, table, rated, timer, your message, your rating.
--- The invitee can decline with a message, you will see that message in the chat window of the table.
--- Pulled the invite computer stuff out into a separate dialog, so you now have to click "Play Computer" to invite a computer opponent.

Pente Rocks!

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Re: Changelog
Posted: Aug 11, 2005, 9:48 PM

Release - 8/11/2005
- Turn-based games (alpha)
-- Features so far:
-- DSG donors only during alpha and beta stage
-- Invite specific player to game
-- Invite anyone to game
-- All DSG games supported but D-Pente
-- Make moves in new java applet (java 1.2+ required)
-- Messages supported
-- Games stored to Game Database
-- Much more bells/whistles to come

- New look and feel (DSG is green again!)
- Quicker access to game room (one click from homepage)
- Uploaded watsu and up2ngs Poof-Puzzle
- New DSG messagebox replacing email player
- myprofile area navigation improved
- Help updates and tournament rules/formats moved to help
- Games History renamed back to Game Database

Bug fixes
- Timers bug (could get off by 2 seconds)
- Many more minor ones I can't remember them all

Pente Rocks!

Posts: 186
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Re: Changelog
Posted: Aug 11, 2005, 10:04 PM

new design looks cool, but when i want to open game room (by clicking on "play live") nothing happens.... i am using internet explorer 5.2 for mac and before there was no such problems.


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Re: Changelog
Posted: Aug 11, 2005, 10:18 PM

Uhoh, that's not good. It calls some javascript that opens up a new window. I didn't think a popup blocker would stop this (since you are clicking a link to make it happen).

For now you can access the game room with this link:


Pente Rocks!

Posts: 186
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Re: Changelog
Posted: Aug 11, 2005, 10:53 PM

well, hmm, now "play live" link works good sorry for the mess


Posts: 542
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Re: Changelog
Posted: Aug 12, 2005, 2:44 AM

I'm having the same problem -- the "Play Live" link just doesn't seem to do anything.


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Re: Changelog
Posted: Aug 12, 2005, 6:04 PM

Release - 8/11/2005
- Fixed bug in game room applet (caused jvm 1.1's to fail)

Release - 8/12/2005
- Changed the way Play Live link works, hopefully fixing a few players problems (up2ng, s3v3n)
- You can now select lobby to join with Play Live link (partica suggestion)
- Emoticons work across forums, dsg messages, and turn-based messages
- Fixed bug with turn-based games not enforcing tournament rule in client (teefo)
- Fixed some backend turn-based caching issues

Pente Rocks!

Posts: 751
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A development idea
Posted: Aug 13, 2005, 6:28 AM

The messaging feature is really cool. Thanks for that. One thing, would it be possible to keep a list of sent messages....so when I am sending out tournament updates I know who I already sent them to?

Also, does the message player link send an email to the person? or is it just a message here on the server?


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Re: A development idea
Posted: Aug 15, 2005, 3:12 PM

Keeping sent messages is certainly possible. I don't really want to implement a full email client though

Right now it does NOT send out the message via email, but I do plan on adding an option to allow messages you receive at your DSG message box to be sent to your email address. I could also add an option to have it send a copy to the SENDER's email address. That way you could keep a copy of messages you sent in whatever email program you use now.


Pente Rocks!

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Re: Changelog
Posted: Aug 16, 2005, 4:34 PM

Release - 8/16/05
- Updated turn-based applet to require java 1.3 at least
- Updated turn-based applet to log java stats to server for debugging
- Added ability to view completed turn-based games from a players profile. Minimal functionality right now, but anyone can view anyone elses completed games.
- Fixed bug with display of time left for turn-based games when time was long.
- Added turn-based games to player rankings search

Pente Rocks!

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Re: Changelog
Posted: Aug 16, 2005, 11:26 PM

Release - 8/16/2005
- D-Pente now playable as turn-based
- Fixed minor display bug in turn-based << < > >> buttons.
- Redid how turn-based messages are handled (no visible changes)

Pente Rocks!

Posts: 1,032
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Posted: Aug 19, 2005, 5:41 PM

Release - 8/19/2005
- Completed games now accessible from player profile! And they load super-fast
-- Games show up sorted into wins/losses by date
-- Individual games can be loaded in new review applet (requires Java 1.3)

- Turn-based games resign works now
- One-click play works right after logging in now if previously logged in (no need to choose plugin or not again)

- Fixed bug in turn-based games, were starting without K10!

Pente Rocks!
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