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Topic: DSG's new server home
Replies: 1   Views: 20,676   Pages: 1   Last Post: Nov 11, 2003, 6:25 PM by: dweebo

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Posts: 1,032
Registered: Dec 16, 2001
From: Powell, OH
Age: 37
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DSG's new server home
Posted: Nov 10, 2003, 11:51 PM

Well the site is finally back up after it's longest outage to date. I am pretty confident that we will not have another outage that long again. A little bit of DSG history: over the last 2-3 years DSG has been hosted on a dedicated machine provided by another Pente enthusiast who has been very generous. Unfortunately something happened to that machine and Jim no longer has the time to help out as much. So DSG now lives on a dedicated host that I'm paying for. It's not cheap ($130/month) but I think donations can cover most of the cost.

Some specs on the new system:
1 GIG RAM (currently only 512 MB, they messed up!)
120 GIG HD (way more than we'll ever need)
RedHat 9
For all the details check out the system at Sago - http://www.sagonet.com/product_page.asp?navID=0&Prod_ID=92

This new system has more than twice the processing power of the old one so things should run a bit faster!

It has also taken a few days to get the server running again because I've switched from Windows to Linux. I have never administered a Linux box so I'm still learning all the details. Luckily, Greg Strange (http://www.playpente.com) has stepped up big time and has helped me get a bunch of software running. Greg also plans to move his site to the new machine as soon as we figure out some details. I imagine in the future you'll see some integration of the two sites, that will be exciting!


Pente Rocks!


Posts: 1,032
Registered: Dec 16, 2001
From: Powell, OH
Age: 37
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Re: DSG's new server home
Posted: Nov 11, 2003, 6:25 PM

Woohoo! We just got upgraded to 1 GIG of Ram as promised! Site was only down for a few minutes too.


Pente Rocks!
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