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Topic: Can't log out
Replies: 1   Views: 19,565   Pages: 1   Last Post: Oct 15, 2003, 3:37 PM by: dweebo

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Posts: 46
Registered: Feb 1, 2002
From: Little Elm
Age: 32
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Can't log out
Posted: Oct 15, 2003, 3:56 AM

Howdy all,

I can't seem to logout as speed_c to log in as cicerolove. I can lgo in and it even says, welcome cicerolove but once I surf off of that page it return me to speed_c. Just to let you know.


Posts: 1,032
Registered: Dec 16, 2001
From: Powell, OH
Age: 37
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Re: Can't log out
Posted: Oct 15, 2003, 3:37 PM

I think that is related to the recent cookie changes I put in place. You might have to clear out your pente.org cookies (look for www.pente.org, and pente.org). Then you "should" be able to log in and out as different players.

To clear cookies in IE and a recent windows (2000, XP), go to C:\Documents and Settings\Your User\Cookies. You should then look for cookies named something like "your user@pente.org[1]". Just delete all the pente ones and restart your browser. For older versions of windows I'm not sure where cookies are stored, search for a folder named cookies.

To clear cookies in recent netscape versions you can use the cookie manager, its pretty straightforward. For older versions of netscape (4.x) I'd say, why are you using such an old version of netscape , now is a good time to upgrade. Again, I'm not sure where older netscapes store cookies.

For other browsers, you're on your own, but most other recent browsers have functionality to manage cookies.

If you are still having problems after that let me know so I can fix this problem.

Pente Rocks!
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