Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
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Donor Pictures wont load...
Mar 28, 2009, 12:44 AM
Donor pictures dont load as jpg and png. they used to but now not. several players have the same problem. gif images load but that chops quality by %50. gif i think is only good for flash files (animated).
getting jpg png gif all functioning again would be great!
Ps. its not cookies temp files and cache, i deleted those and still didnt work.
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Jpg or jpeg? I've talked to quite a few players who have had this problem but I seem to have dodged that bullet and I change my photo as about every 10 minutes.......the one I have up right now is jpeg.....
Re: Donor Pictures wont load...
Mar 30, 2009, 2:20 AM
I use firefox when I'm here as I mentioned in the flash post (Uma Thurman as Little Bo Peep).....I've had uber-success using 'ccleaner' aka 'crap cleaner' for daily maintenance and cleaning of temp files, spyware, etc.......dunno if that's relevant but methinks it could possibly be....and its super fast as well. Until you posted Zoey I thought the pic problem was effecting international players're not using a proxy or international server by chance are you?