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Topic: One Way by Rollie Tesh,.... or is there more than one way?
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Re: One Way by Rollie Tesh,.... or is there more than one way?
Posted: May 12, 2011, 2:39 PM

this vid is in response to up2ng's question of what was i seeing.

sorry the audio is a little messed up. couldnt figure out how to fix that yet. enjoy.

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Re: One Way by Rollie Tesh,.... or is there more than one way?
Posted: May 13, 2011, 9:56 PM

Very nice video. Next up ... quincunx!


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Re: One Way by Rollie Tesh,.... or is there more than one way?
Posted: May 13, 2011, 10:57 PM

here is the link to quincunx.


the number of stones of each side is way off and hes using the entire board so to do a video i would need to use a actual board to play it out. and i have not looked at it much yet to find the solution. so we will see. maybe i'll make a vid of it, not sure yet.

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Re: One Way by Rollie Tesh,.... or is there more than one way?
Posted: May 16, 2011, 3:52 AM

I see only one solution for One Way but I found a second solution with my program for these four puzzles:
God's Eye
Dog Food


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Re: One Way by Rollie Tesh,.... or is there more than one way?
Posted: May 18, 2011, 12:32 PM

so, my video has received close to 60 unique views. so far ive gotten just 2 acknowledgments of its existence. i am surprised by the low show of interest. perhaps i need to make the videos more entertaining, or perhaps im wasting my time to dive into these sort of projects due to lack of audience. not sure. :/

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Re: One Way by Rollie Tesh,.... or is there more than one way?
Posted: May 18, 2011, 2:00 PM

and @ mark, do you have these moves to solve all 4 puzzles in a txt file by chance?

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Re: One Way by Rollie Tesh,.... or is there more than one way?
Posted: May 19, 2011, 4:28 AM

Puzzles for Pente

All puzzles are player 1 to move and win in X number of moves. The number of moves refers only to player 1's moves, so for player 1 to win in four moves, there will be 7 stones placed, four by player 1 and three by player 2. For White and Black, captures already made are in parentheses followed by their stones on the board. Only the first move of each puzzle solution is given, if you need more explanation, email me. A few puzzles accidentally have two solutions and are marked with *.

puzzle #moves Name Author
1 4 Yin-Yang ?
W(0) G8 H8 J7 K6 M5 M6 N7 O8
B(0) L5
2 4 One Way Rolle Tesh
W(3) K6 M8 N8 N11 O10 P8 R7 P6 O5 N4
B(3) L6 M6 N6 N7 N3 Q7 Q8
3 5 J.D. Rolle Tesh
W(0) E11 F10 G6 J6 M9 M5
B(0) -
5 4 Alladin's Lamp Rolle Tesh
W(4) F8 F9 J8 M8 P8
B(3) G8 J7 L10 M7 O8
6 4 Wrong Angle Rolle Tesh
W(4) J14 J12 J9 N9 P9
B(0) K13 L11 O10
7 6 Gorilla at Large Scott Justice
W(0) B8 D7 E6 F5 E10 G8 J4
B(0) C8 E8 F6
8* 5 Crossbow Tom Braunlich
W(3) E9 F9 K7 L9 L5 M6 O9
B(0) D9 F7 G8 J8 J9 K4 K9 K12 M8 M10
9* 4 Boondock Rolle Tesh
W(4) H6 H8 K9 L6 L7 L12 N6
B(0) H9 H13 K13 L9 L10 L14 M7 M12
11 5 While the Germans are Crucifying Kittens
on the Church doors of London Tom Braunlich
W(4) -
B(0) D11 E12 G4 G12 H3 H9 K3 K11 K15 L5 L10 L14
M7 N10 P8
12 4 Seven Misses Rolle Tesh
W(4) H9 J9 K12 M8 O10
B(0) F10 G8 J11 K9 M7 M10 P8
13 6 Y? Scott Justice
W(0) G13 J9 K5 K6 K7 K11 L9 N13 O7 Q5
B(0) E15 F14 H12 J11 K4 K8 K9 K10 L11 M3 M12
O5 O14 P15
14 4 Doppleganger Rolle Tesh
W(4) E7 H10 J12 J15 M6 M9 M13 N11 Q14
B(0) F8 G9 J13 J14 M7 M8 O12 P13
15 4 Ricochet Tom Braunlich
W(0) F11 H11 J5 J7 J9 J11 K7 K8 K11 L7 L11 M9 N8 O8
B(0) G7 G8 G11 H6 H8 H9 K9 K13 L9 M6 M7 M11 N6 N10 O6
16 4 Hint Rolle Tesh
W(2) D4 D7 F6 G4 G7 N4 N7 O6 Q4 Q7
B(0) B2 C3 E5 E7 F7 G5 G6 N5 N6 O7 P5 P7 R3 S2
17* 5 God's Eye Rolle Tesh
W(4) C8 E8 G8 G12 K3 M13 M15 M17 N10 R10
B(4) G6 G10 H5 J10 J14 K11 K15 M11 O13 P12
18 6 There are no Snakes in Ireland Scott Justice
W(0) F5 H7 H15 L12 N5 O4 O14 P15
B(0) -
19 3 Tilt Rolle Tesh
W(3) E10 F7 F9 F10 G8 J7 M7
B(3) D11 G7 G9 H8
20 4 Gravy Boat Rolle Tesh
W(0) J8 L6 L7 M7 N8 O7
B(0) K5 M5 P7 P8
21 6 SST Tom Braunlich
W(0) C9 D10 E13 G10 L8 O7 P7 O11
B(0) F10 M10
22* 4 Dog Food Rolle Tesh
W(4) G11 H9 K9 M9
B(0) J11 L10 O11
23 8 Quincunx Rolle Tesh
W(0) A1 A5 B5 B9 B10 B14 A15 A19 D1 D2 G13 E19 K1 L1
K10 L11 N7 O10 N19 O18 P1 P3 Q1 R1 S2 T1 S18 T19
B(0) B7 A10 A16 A17 A18 D4 E15 H1 J9 K11 M10 N1 Q2
S1 P8 O11 Q10 P15 S14
24 3 Sun of Quincunx Rolle Tesh
W(4) A19 H10 H11 K10 K14 M12 P10
B(3) J15 L13 N9 O10 O12

I made a double chart so that you don't accidentally see the answer
to the next puzzle.

1. k a. M7
2. g b. H7
3. c c. J8
4. d. L11
5. x e. K10
6. l f. H10
7. n g. N9
8. s,o h. J12
9. i,e i. J10
10. j. M13
11. c k. L9
12. r l. N13
13. a m. K7
14. c n. L6
15. h o. H9
16. e p. C17
17. u,q q. E10
18. t r. L8
19. m s. P9
20. b t. G10
21. i u. F11
22. j,v v. K8
23. p w. J9
24. l x. H8


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Re: One Way by Rollie Tesh,.... or is there more than one way?
Posted: May 19, 2011, 5:07 AM

thanks mark! i'll dig into some of these at some point.

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Re: One Way by Rollie Tesh,.... or is there more than one way?
Posted: May 19, 2011, 9:00 PM

Oh wow, I haven't even heard of most of these puzzles! It really would be great to be able to see these. I hope that we can find a way to post all of these into the "Puzzles" section of this site...


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Re: One Way by Rollie Tesh,.... or is there more than one way?
Posted: May 20, 2011, 7:18 AM

funny thing is i have heard of these before, but can't seem to recall where ive seen them. perhaps they are in the 1980's pente books.

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Re: One Way by Rollie Tesh,.... or is there more than one way?
Posted: Dec 8, 2016, 10:34 PM

I think that Quincunx by Rollie Tesh also has one additional solution. This solution is very similar to the suggested one and other key stones are same but first move can be B16 instead of C17.

Am i right? Or maybe i missed something?


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Re: One Way by Rollie Tesh,.... or is there more than one way?
Posted: Jan 3, 2022, 7:11 PM

Bumping this thread, which contains more puzzles (and solutions for puzzles) created by Rollie Tesh, who died three years ago.

Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat
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