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Topic: mmark vs lepews
Replies: 8   Views: 26,477   Pages: 1   Last Post: Mar 14, 2007, 2:57 PM by: lepews

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Posts: 141
Registered: Feb 29, 2004
From: the land of smelly cheese
Age: 38
mmark vs lepews
Posted: Mar 4, 2007, 7:19 AM


I'm also in EST (florida). Lemme know when's a good time for you to play our match.




Posts: 126
Registered: Jun 13, 2003
From: The Untied Kingdom
Age: 110
Re: mmark vs lepews
Posted: Mar 5, 2007, 12:55 PM

Hi lepews.
I'm GMT, as you might know, so we have 5 hours time difference.
What times can you play during the week, that you think won't be too late for me?
Considering that Mel and I spent over 3 hours playing our round on Saturday, I think that 10pm is probably my latest starting time, which is 5pm for you.. so.....
it might be a weekend thing... unless.....
let me know...



Posts: 141
Registered: Feb 29, 2004
From: the land of smelly cheese
Age: 38
Re: mmark vs lepews
Posted: Mar 6, 2007, 2:39 AM

hi Mark,

I usually get up and am online by 10-11am here, and stay online most of the day, so I'm pretty flexible.

Why don't you fire me an email at lepews@hotmail.com when you're here next and available to play, and I'll come and join you.




Posts: 126
Registered: Jun 13, 2003
From: The Untied Kingdom
Age: 110
Re: mmark vs lepews
Posted: Mar 9, 2007, 3:09 PM

Hi Lepews,
I apologise about this, but unfortunately I have lost my ADSL connection. I don't know what is the problem, as my ISP can't detect any fault.
I'll let you know how it's going maybe over this weekend.
I'm off to buy a RJ11 cable now to see if that was the problem.
Hope to play you soon,


Posts: 141
Registered: Feb 29, 2004
From: the land of smelly cheese
Age: 38
Re: mmark vs lepews
Posted: Mar 10, 2007, 4:14 AM

hey Mark,

no prob - as it is i have quite a busy weekend, but if u're back online by sunday, we might just find time to play!




Posts: 126
Registered: Jun 13, 2003
From: The Untied Kingdom
Age: 110
Re: mmark vs lepews
Posted: Mar 11, 2007, 12:33 PM

Hi lepews, I think I will be around later today (sunday)
I'm not sure as yet, as sometimes I have a wee drink on a sunday, depending on who shows up on our sunday afternoon excursion to the pub.
I still have no ADSL connection, but realise that I can play on Ye Olde Dial-Up connection. In fact, I just tried and seem to get less problems with lag etc on the trusted dial-up 56kbps modem than on the 8MB ADSL....
so... adelante! onlwards and upwards!
Hopefully I'll be around from 8 or 9pm til about midnight.
I'll check in later and be more precise.


P.S. Anyone know how to play this pente game thingy?


Posts: 141
Registered: Feb 29, 2004
From: the land of smelly cheese
Age: 38
Re: mmark vs lepews
Posted: Mar 12, 2007, 4:24 AM


i only just realised u're in the uk - for some reason i thought u were here on the other side lol..

Anyway, tuesday-wednesday are good for me - i'm usually up and about by 10-11am here, so your 3-4pm. Any good?
Otherwise we can try a little later on both those days too as well as tomorrow.

Thursday I go away until sunday, so it'd be good to get this outa the way.




Posts: 126
Registered: Jun 13, 2003
From: The Untied Kingdom
Age: 110
Re: mmark vs lepews
Posted: Mar 12, 2007, 10:17 PM

ok, I think Wednesday it is then...
any time on wednesday.
Tuesday is not so good for me as I'm out most of the day and when I get back I'd be pretty tired.
But Wednesday I am free alllllll daaaaaay long!
I still am missing my ADSL connection, but have a freephone dial-up in the meantime which seems to work just as good.
so, seeya Wednesday.. at whatever time is best for you, hopefully your morning time.


Posts: 141
Registered: Feb 29, 2004
From: the land of smelly cheese
Age: 38
Re: mmark vs lepews
Posted: Mar 14, 2007, 2:57 PM

hey Mark

I'm online now - where r ya?

I'll wait about 10-15mns, then I have to go run a few errands.

Will be back within an hour though.

Seeya soon


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