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Topic: emerald vs lepews
Replies: 6   Views: 13,009   Pages: 1   Last Post: Oct 30, 2005, 10:40 PM by: lepews

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Posts: 58
Registered: Jan 19, 2002
From: Peoria Arizona
Age: 43
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emerald vs lepews
Posted: Oct 29, 2005, 9:50 AM

Hello. Well I got your email but I could not send back to you. It seems we are 7 hours apart and you can only play late at night, which is like 3pm my time, just the time I am at work every day! I have a busy time on sunday and saturday but no work, I will try to find time to come here for a bit around 1 or so on one of those days, probably sunday. If you are there we will play


Posts: 141
Registered: Feb 29, 2004
From: the land of smelly cheese
Age: 38
Re: emerald vs lepews
Posted: Oct 29, 2005, 11:26 AM


well if you can find any time this weekend let me know. From now until 6pm (my time) is pretty good for me. Tomorrow i can't really do anything until late, but then my late shoud be pretty good for you, if we are 7 hours apart.
Even during the week, your 3pm is only 10pm for me, and i'm more often than not up and online until 1 or 2am here. What time do you actually get out from work, and what's the earliest you could play on week day?
i'm sure we'll work something out..


Posts: 58
Registered: Jan 19, 2002
From: Peoria Arizona
Age: 43
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Re: emerald vs lepews
Posted: Oct 30, 2005, 6:51 AM

Hello. Well I was here on saturday at about 4:30 until 5 which is like 11:30-midnight for ya. On sunday I should be here after church in the morning for a bit to look for ya.


Posts: 141
Registered: Feb 29, 2004
From: the land of smelly cheese
Age: 38
Re: emerald vs lepews
Posted: Oct 30, 2005, 11:13 AM


yes sorry last night i ended up being out - so could not make it. Hopefully i will be home at around 8-9pm today, which is 1-2pm for you.
If not, what time can you play at tomorrow? I'll try to fit around you..




Posts: 141
Registered: Feb 29, 2004
From: the land of smelly cheese
Age: 38
Re: emerald vs lepews
Posted: Oct 30, 2005, 8:37 PM


i have to go out now, but should be back in a couple of hours. will u still have time to play today?

leave me a message here to let me know..




Posts: 58
Registered: Jan 19, 2002
From: Peoria Arizona
Age: 43
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Re: emerald vs lepews
Posted: Oct 30, 2005, 8:53 PM

you did not even log into the rooms. I have been here waiting for an hour, playing mike321. I only can wait about 20 more min then I have a thing I must go to if we don't start by then.


Posts: 141
Registered: Feb 29, 2004
From: the land of smelly cheese
Age: 38
Re: emerald vs lepews
Posted: Oct 30, 2005, 10:40 PM

i'm really sorry - i was out all day, then came home and was about to play but my wife wanted to go to dinner first. I'm back and logged in now, should be here for a good 2-3 hours. If u can't make it, please let me know what times you could play tomorrow or tuesday - i don't mind playing late if you can do your late afternoon or early evening.



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