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Topic: billmo8 vs ryan11
Replies: 5   Views: 26,205   Pages: 1   Last Post: May 31, 2005, 2:48 AM by: billmo8

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Posts: 13
Registered: Mar 11, 2005
From: Huntsville
Age: 13
billmo8 vs ryan11
Posted: May 19, 2005, 1:30 AM

When are you available to play billmo8.

I'm not sure when i can be available but i can Probably am available most of the time since it is summer and i am out of school.


Posts: 45
Registered: Feb 1, 2005
From: Philadelphia
Age: 48
Re: billmo8 vs ryan11
Posted: May 23, 2005, 4:21 AM

Hi Ryan,

I will be away on business this week which means I will be online only in the PM all week, 8PM (EDST) and after. If that's not too late for you, I'm up for it. I'll look for you starting tomorrow night or I'll keep an eye out for a message from you if that doesn't work for you. Talk to you soon.

- Billmo


Posts: 13
Registered: Mar 11, 2005
From: Huntsville
Age: 13
Re: billmo8 vs ryan11
Posted: May 23, 2005, 3:05 PM

8PM will be good i will try to make it tonight.


Posts: 45
Registered: Feb 1, 2005
From: Philadelphia
Age: 48
Re: billmo8 vs ryan11
Posted: May 24, 2005, 2:15 PM

Hi Ryan,

My apologies. My assignment took me late into the evening Monday night. I will try again tonight.

- Billmo


Posts: 13
Registered: Mar 11, 2005
From: Huntsville
Age: 13
Re: billmo8 vs ryan11
Posted: May 24, 2005, 3:27 PM


I will try to be hear 8PM-9PM that is what time i was there last night if one of us cannot make it tonight i think thursday or friday would be good.



Posts: 45
Registered: Feb 1, 2005
From: Philadelphia
Age: 48
Re: billmo8 vs ryan11
Posted: May 31, 2005, 2:48 AM

Hi Ryan,

I will hang around tonight and see if you sign on. If not, you can have the forfeit because I obviously dropped the ball in our contest. Hope to see you nonetheless.

- Billmo

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