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Topic: ATTN: spifster
Replies: 6   Views: 12,273   Pages: 1   Last Post: Apr 4, 2005, 3:42 PM by: dmkay

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Posts: 5
Registered: Mar 8, 2005
Age: 23
ATTN: spifster
Posted: Apr 1, 2005, 9:05 PM

Let me know when you're available. I'm fairly flexible, so just let me know what times are best for you.


Posts: 141
Registered: Feb 29, 2004
From: the land of smelly cheese
Age: 38
Re: ATTN: spifster
Posted: Apr 1, 2005, 9:51 PM


i'm in the UK, so my time is GMT.

I'm usually online from 11am to 7pm, and again from 8pm to about 1am, but because of work, i never know when i'm going/not going to be available. So i guess it's best if you try to set a time, and i should hopefully be able to make it.

What's your time zone?




Posts: 5
Registered: Mar 8, 2005
Age: 23
Re: ATTN: spifster
Posted: Apr 1, 2005, 9:56 PM



Posts: 141
Registered: Feb 29, 2004
From: the land of smelly cheese
Age: 38
Re: ATTN: spifster
Posted: Apr 1, 2005, 10:00 PM

sorry i got it all wrong - i'm playin' kmbailey


Posts: 5
Registered: Mar 8, 2005
Age: 23
Re: ATTN: spifster
Posted: Apr 1, 2005, 10:11 PM

no problem


Posts: 160
Registered: Dec 27, 2004
From: Nowhere
Re: ATTN: spifster
Posted: Apr 2, 2005, 6:24 AM

i can play most mondays and tuesdays, other days are shaky
best time for me is from 8-11 pm central time

how about this coming monday at 9:30 ish pm. I may be a little late. tell me if this doesnt work and throw out any other suggestions you have.


Posts: 5
Registered: Mar 8, 2005
Age: 23
Re: ATTN: spifster
Posted: Apr 4, 2005, 3:42 PM

i should be able to make it tonight. i'll see you then.

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