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Topic: Round 3
Replies: 19   Views: 44,864   Pages: 2   Last Post: May 27, 2005, 7:56 PM by: up2ng

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Posts: 542
Registered: May 9, 2002
From: Northeast USA
Round 3
Posted: Apr 5, 2005, 10:03 PM

Richard and Dmitri:

Looking forward to getting our matches going. Probably the only time in the near future that I can be pretty sure to have time to play is this weekend, so I hope you two are good with that. I'll narrow down a time frame later. I know a few people are interested in watching so hopefully we can pick a time in advance.

Or, you may both resign to my greatness. If that is the case, just say so in this thread -- it would be perfectly understandable.



Posts: 388
Registered: Dec 8, 2002
From: Huntsville, Alabama
Age: 67
Re: Round 3
Posted: Apr 10, 2005, 10:47 PM

I have been working most of this weekend, but I will probably be available late tonight..


Posts: 542
Registered: May 9, 2002
From: Northeast USA
Re: Round 3
Posted: Apr 17, 2005, 9:13 PM

Hey guys,

Let's try to get our games in today.
I'll try to check in at the top of each hour that I'm free.


Posts: 388
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Age: 67
Re: Round 3
Posted: Apr 17, 2005, 11:45 PM

i am here. waiting...


Posts: 388
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Age: 67
Re: Round 3
Posted: Apr 18, 2005, 12:32 AM

I'll try again later tonight.


Posts: 388
Registered: Dec 8, 2002
From: Huntsville, Alabama
Age: 67
Re: Round 3
Posted: Apr 18, 2005, 4:00 AM

checked in at around 9 pm cst. check in again soon.


Posts: 542
Registered: May 9, 2002
From: Northeast USA
Re: Round 3
Posted: Apr 18, 2005, 6:03 PM

Hey Richard, thanks for making the effort. It turned out I wasn't quite as available this weekend as I thought I might be. I knew it would be kind of iffy. I was around from time to time until about Sunday afternoon.

I guess we're all playing a bit of tag. I almost definitely will be unable to play for about 2 weeks now. Perhaps you two can get your match in before then. I'll post again the next time I know I'll have a good time to play.


Posts: 542
Registered: May 9, 2002
From: Northeast USA
Re: Round 3
Posted: May 2, 2005, 6:32 PM

Well, the two weeks I spoke of has come and passed. I had a lot going on this past weekend but I made myself available several times throughout the weekend as I said I would hoping to get my games in.

It could be a good while again before I'll have a definite time I can plan on playing. This experience has been too frustrating for me after two very smooth rounds. At this point, I'm afraid I should probably just drop out of the tournament, I really don't want to think about it any more. If my opponents get their match in soon, just consider it a final. I'll check back when I have a free weekend, probably in a few weeks and see if that has occurred. If nothing has happened after a few more weeks go by, there are a few options:

We can just try to schedule the games again. The tournament will be dragged out an awfully long time, which is exactly what Dweebo didn't want to happen when he gave the 2 weeks per round rule. Or, we can just declare me the winner by forfeit since I have put almost all the effort in to arrange my matches including emails, forum posts and even seeing each of my opponents in the lobby, asking to play and being turned down. Or, we can just basically cancel the rest of the tournament and declare us all co-champions.

I'm sorry it has come to this. Hopefully if you ever have another tournament it will not end so poorly.


Posts: 375
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Age: 40
Re: Round 3
Posted: May 3, 2005, 1:38 AM

my fault. we'll try to get it scheduled. no one is dropping out.


Posts: 388
Registered: Dec 8, 2002
From: Huntsville, Alabama
Age: 67
Re: Round 3
Posted: May 3, 2005, 5:23 AM

Well this sucks. I never saw a notice that you were available this weekend. You said in your prior message that you would post one. I would have been available this weekend had you notified me. I checked the forum posts every day, and saw no notice of availability from you.

Being that this has become such an issue. I am quickly losing any interest in being involved.

Though I will miss the games for sure, I shall resign forthwith.

There you go, not a prob. At least now i don't have to have that annoying crown, with everyone referring to me as 'His Highness'. lol.



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Re: Round 3
Posted: May 3, 2005, 2:35 PM

I did not see a post either up2ng, that you would be available this past weekend to play. I'm sorry you guys haven't been able to get your matches in.

I hope you are kidding about resigning richardiii, please reconsider. I don't care if the tournament stays up another couple of months, if that is what it takes to get it completed.

Is there any specific date you can pick in the future up2ng, that you can play? Even if its a month away, then everyone else will have a good chance of being able to work it in. I think it would be awesome if the 3 of you could agree to a specific date and time to play all of round 3, I bet there would be a huge crowd.

I'll keep my fingers crossed

Pente Rocks!

Posts: 542
Registered: May 9, 2002
From: Northeast USA
Re: Round 3
Posted: May 3, 2005, 6:28 PM

Hey guys,

I don't mean to piss anyone off, I've just been frustrated. I shouldn't place blame, I guess these things just happen.

I see now what happened with my last post. I thought I had said I'd be available the weekend 3 weeks from when I first posted (and 2 weeks from my more recent post) but that wasn't clear -- I didn't realize that I said I was going to make another post to confirm. Oh well.

I've also just been getting a lot more busy lately. In rounds 1 and 2 I could just check in frequently and see my opponent and just play -- now it's gotten tough.

I might be able to play the weekend 2 weeks from now (May 14th?) and even that's kind of iffy. After that, some time in June. I don't want to be the one that holds everything up though and this is starting to feel like an obligation just because I have a lot going on right now -- that's why I was going to just withdraw.

But it looks like no one including Dweebo wants that so if the tournament is still going then I'll play it out. Don't wait around for this one to end to start up another one though -- these were supposed to be faster and more frequent tournaments than in times past and I don't want to mess that up.

Richard, you were right about me not posting when I said I would. My bad. Don't quit just because I was frustrated. I just didn't want to be the one to drag this out -- if you two can get your match in within a day or two, I'd just say call it a final match and move on to the next tourney.

How about this. I'll just plan on Saturday, May 14th at noon EST. Then I'll just post later if that doesn't work since it probably won't lol. If this is cool with you two at least we have a date in place unless something comes up for one of us.



Posts: 388
Registered: Dec 8, 2002
From: Huntsville, Alabama
Age: 67
Re: Round 3
Posted: May 3, 2005, 7:43 PM

May 14, high noon.

"Well?... You gonna pull them pistols, or whistle Dixie?"


Posts: 388
Registered: Dec 8, 2002
From: Huntsville, Alabama
Age: 67
Re: Round 3
Posted: May 15, 2005, 6:19 PM

well, where are u2? it's a quarter after.


Posts: 388
Registered: Dec 8, 2002
From: Huntsville, Alabama
Age: 67
Re: Round 3
Posted: May 15, 2005, 6:22 PM

OOPS! i just realized ehh.. todays is the 15th, not the 14th.
my watch says it's the 14th. jeez..

can we play today? i will be here all day.

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