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Topic: Round 1 - Section 2.
Replies: 2   Views: 11,387   Pages: 1   Last Post: Mar 5, 2005, 2:17 AM by: jblacq

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Posts: 12
Registered: Dec 5, 2002
Age: 41
Round 1 - Section 2.
Posted: Mar 4, 2005, 6:52 AM

I will be available to play our matches anytime after 5pm (central) on sunday through all day on monday. If that does not work we can come up with something else


Posts: 2
Registered: May 19, 2003
From: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Age: 25
Re: TO: DmitriKing, CTally127 & JBLACQ
Posted: Mar 4, 2005, 2:34 PM

I'll be able to play pretty much anytime this weekend and most evenings after 6pm AST (GMT -4)

You can reach me at jblacq@hotmail.com to schedule a match.

Oh, BTW, good luck everyone!

Message was edited by: jblacq at Mar 4, 2005 8:34 AM


Posts: 2
Registered: May 19, 2003
From: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Age: 25
Re: Round 1 - Section 2.
Posted: Mar 5, 2005, 2:17 AM

I'll try hanging out in the Tournament room when I'm available. As I mentioned before, if I'm not there you can always mail me at jblacq@hotmail.com


I've been hanging out in the rooms the last couple days and haven't seen any of you yet. I'm hoping to catch mufasa when he logs on Sunday. Hopefully I'll see everyone else then too.

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