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Topic: Google Android - Pente on our phones
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Google Android - Pente on our phones
Posted: Sep 25, 2008, 7:41 PM

Pente Santa, I'd like the Google G1 phone please


Then we could all play pente on our cell phones, woohoo!


Branched this off into its own topic.
Message was edited by: dweebo at Sep 26, 2008 11:05 AM

Pente Rocks!


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Re: Genius Flashing!!!
Posted: Sep 25, 2008, 8:08 PM

The G1 is available for pre-order now in the U.S. in limited quantities at T-MobileG1 if you're an existing T-Mobile customer. It will be available in retail stores beginning October 22, for $179 with a two-year voice and data agreement.

so bottom line is $179 before october 22nd from how im reading it.

Dweebo, will you make a google pente app?

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Re: Genius Flashing!!!
Posted: Sep 25, 2008, 8:55 PM

I would sure love to make a google pente app. I have not looked into the details of the developer kit and how hard it is to do, but I know every app has to run in java, and that is my specialty (this whole site is build on it).

I'm thinking it wouldn't be that hard to get a simple computer player app running. Making an app that connects to the game room for live games would be much harder of course, but might be doable.

But you know, I kind of a need a G1 for testing purposes.....


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Re: Genius Flashing!!!
Posted: Sep 26, 2008, 5:04 PM

I downloaded the google android SDK (software development kit) and got it running.

Turns out there would be a bit of work since their API doesn't run the existing java AWT or Swing user interfaces. I would have to redo it using their API. I'm sure it isn't terribly hard, but of course I have to learn the details. There is already a book that would help greatly to get up to speed. Add that to my xmas list I guess http://www.pragprog.com/titles/eband/hello-android

It would be fun to program, at least to get a simple board up for playing with a friend locally, or to play against the computer.


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Re: Genius Flashing!!!
Posted: Sep 26, 2008, 6:16 PM


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Re: Genius Flashing!!!
Posted: Sep 26, 2008, 6:38 PM

So what is it that has your sights set on this particular phone D? (I ask because I'm switching carriers and obviously phones next month.....)


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Re: Google Android G1
Posted: Sep 26, 2008, 7:12 PM

Well I am not usually a gadget person believe it or not. Currently I have a basic text only non-color tracfone as my cell phone for example!

When the iPhone came out I thought it looked very cool, but there is no way I would pay that much. Now of course they have come down in price quite a bit.

The google android project looks to have many of the same features as the iPhone, at about the same price (its a bit cheaper), and in a more open manner. Meaning android is a specification that other phone manufacturers can follow, and then any applications written for android will run on all the phones.

The initial reviews of the G1 (officially announced this week) were a bit disappointing, I had been psyched about it for a few months. But still it looks like a pretty nice phone, and the idea of writing a Pente application for it sounds like fun. Android runs java applications which is the programming language I am most familiar with.


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Re: Google Android G1
Posted: Sep 27, 2008, 9:49 PM

Yeah I was stoked about the iphone too but all my friends and coworkers that got suckered by it have to basically ignore the fact that it doesn't perform as advertised as far as the apps, etc are concerned and that as a phone it basically doesn't work (dropped calls, static, etc.), so basically they all have VERY stylish, matching $300.00 backlit paperweights. I like the look of the keyboard on this google phone.


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Re: Google Android G1
Posted: Oct 11, 2008, 4:38 AM

Has anyone actually used this phone yet? What about the LG dare? I don't know anyone with either of those and I gots to make a decision on it before the end of next week.....ugh.


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Re: Google Android G1
Posted: Oct 13, 2008, 5:25 PM

For the google phone it won't be released until Oct. 22nd, and apparently it will be awhile before we can get one unless you are already a t-mobile customer and have pre-ordered one. There have been 1.5 million pre-orders already!

Pente Rocks!

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Re: Google Android - Pente on our phones
Posted: Oct 22, 2008, 10:29 PM

I ordered my G1 phone today, and just got an email that it shipped, woohoo!

Now I just have to find some time to play with it and get Pente running on it.


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Re: Google Android - Pente on our phones
Posted: Jun 23, 2009, 9:59 PM

I released a Pente app for the Google Android platform today, so people can play against the AI (up to level 4) or against a friend, from any android phone (currently there are only a few but more are coming).

It also includes a "learning mode" to highlight potential captures and threats on the board, that should help newbies figure out the game better (pictured below).

I doubt it will be much of a success in the anroid market (even for a free app) but it was fun to program and I learned some things. Maybe it will drive some traffic to the site and we'll get more players.


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Re: Google Android - Pente on our phones
Posted: Jun 23, 2009, 10:03 PM

you got a down load link for it? and can it load on a pc?

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Re: Google Android - Pente on our phones
Posted: Jun 23, 2009, 10:13 PM

it only works on an android system (phones right now). there are supposedly some netbooks that are being developed to run android.

though you can play now on pente.org, the only thing this offers you can't get at pente.org is the "learning mode". oh and playing on a 13x13 grid optionally since 19x19 is a little tricky to work w/ on a small phone.


Pente Rocks!

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Re: Google Android - Pente on our phones
Posted: Oct 31, 2009, 5:27 AM

wow dude thank you thats so cool I checked for a pente game in like May and haven't thought about it since
if you could link up to .ORG i would give you like 10 bucks for that app

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