Live game Pente master challenge contest (for non established reds)
Sep 14, 2023, 5:54 PM
I believe that under current site conditions it would be very difficult for a non established rating with fewer than 10 rated games (or established rating below 1800) to become an established 1900 rated player in live Pente. So, I'm offering a 2 year site subscription for the first account which does this. It can be an alt. account, but it must have been created on or before 09/13/2023. Other accounts can certainly play, but only an account which currently exists and doesn't have an established red rating in live Pente will qualify. Establish yourself as a live Pente master, someone! ETA - a few restrictions to make sure we see some good games, not just a one and done.
Message was edited by: watsu at Sep 14, 2023, 6:54 PM
Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat
Re: Live game Pente master challenge contest (for non established reds)
Sep 14, 2023, 6:16 PM
P.S. - I reserve the right to refuse the prize to any account which (on examination of game quality) I suspect to have been involved in deliberate ratings manipulation. I think I can tell a live game red master when I see one (despite not being one).
Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: Live game Pente master challenge contest (for non established reds)
Sep 14, 2023, 7:11 PM
Alt account? Secshun8 is your guy lol Sorry couldn't resist. But if there is ever a pente alts group created, im pretty sure he will be their president, or union leader.
So we are just green lighting alt accounts for rated sets now? This site hasn't any dignity left. Like I said, people keep that up and ill make 10 alt accounts and start sand bagging people just to make a point.
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Re: Live game Pente master challenge contest (for non established reds)
Sep 14, 2023, 7:38 PM
Pente_gon is an alt. account here. So is Ksackett, for that matter. It's not intended to exclude such accounts from this particular contest, but alts to sandbag, manipulate ratings or enter live tournaments with are generally frowned upon. If you wish to sandbag this contest with a new alt. account, I can't prevent that. Obviously, the account wouldn't win the contest, but it would provide interesting live games and make the challenge more interesting. Considering the state of live Pente here, frankly a sandbagger or 3 is worth the risk of my prize money. Which I wouldn't be paying out except to someone good enough to dodge or beat sandbaggers. A live Pente master, IOW.
Message was edited by: watsu at Sep 14, 2023, 8:18 PM
Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat
Jan 23, 2009
north carolina
Re: Live game Pente master challenge contest (for non established reds)
Sep 14, 2023, 7:57 PM
i suppose it would be easy to dismiss alt accounts. but is defeating any player (alt or otherwise) any less of a win? seems to me that if there is no points manipulation, i dont care what name you go by but rather the game you play. and if an alt can win this contest, isn't it deserved regardless of what playername he goes by?
Re: Live game Pente master challenge contest (for non established reds)
Sep 14, 2023, 10:28 PM
1900 has generally been considered Master threshhold for live Pente on this site (hence the red). It can be more or less difficult to attain, depending the competition at a given time, on whether games are rated singly, by sets with draws not counted or by sets with draws counted against the higher rated player. 1900 has always been the Master level bar here, though. Trust me, someone with an account here who beats up on their friends to attain a 1900 rating is highly unlikely to win the contest (unless his name is Kevin S, for example).
Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat
Oct 21, 2022
Texas & Michigan Home page
Re: Live game Pente master challenge contest (for non established reds)
Sep 14, 2023, 10:31 PM
I like your proposal. In the thread Vic mentions a tourney though I do not see reference to that in your post. Are you creating a tourney or simply waiting for a non-red live player to turn red?
Re: Live game Pente master challenge contest (for non established reds)
Sep 14, 2023, 10:33 PM
No tourney, just waiting and watching with popcorn. Good luck to all. ETA: we could make it the first established red also wearing the Pente KotH crown as a red (with all of the above rules) if anyone deems it not enough of a challenge to be judged a Master as is...
Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: Live game Pente master challenge contest (for non established reds)
Sep 15, 2023, 3:11 AM
You gotta understand, TB players are not used to playing on a 20 min timer. Ned for example, takes like 3 weeks to make 1 move. In a 20 min set he would be like a deer in headlights. I'd bet money he would time out. Love u Ned ;p
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Re: Live game Pente master challenge contest (for non established reds)
Sep 15, 2023, 3:16 AM
@Zoeyk - for this contest, no, those accounts aren't eligible. Neither are virag, sjustice, nosovs, richardiii, dmitriking, mersenne, melanie, progambler, et al. You've mostly all long ago established yourselves as live game Masters here. Pente_gon, sechshun8, mumix, nedhall17, myself, ksackett, brf, et al. have not, (though pente_gon did as yoss). If anyone wants to lobby rw for a new live established rating level above 1900 at (let's say) 2252, then I can make a contest you, karl, and the rest of the retired reds can compete in. But, you can still participate in this one by giving a thumbs down vote to someone if you don't think they've demonstrated master level by gaining the KotH crown and red status at this point in time. I'll listen to that thumbs down from either you or Karl.
Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: Live game Pente master challenge contest (for non established reds)
Sep 15, 2023, 3:16 AM
I got an idea. Since I'm not eligible. Players needing to prepare for live play can do unrated sets with me on 20 minute timer on private table and cancel games to hide data. I would enjoy that. Especially secshun8. Curious to see what he can do
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