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Topic: DB Search Option Down
Replies: 2   Views: 33,731   Pages: 1   Last Post: Jan 5, 2009, 3:38 AM by: dweebo

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DB Search Option Down
Posted: Jan 4, 2009, 12:19 AM

FYI......all searches come back as zero....i.e. squirrlkng vs player x comes back as no games played, etc..


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Re: DB Search Option Down
Posted: Jan 4, 2009, 4:13 PM

Yep, I thought this had something to do with the ultra-exclusive super tournament, but Zoey denied the association in the other forum thread. Hmmm.... It seems only games completed on or after January 3rd are included in the database. I first noticed this when I was looking at my completed games section.


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Re: DB Search Option Down
Posted: Jan 5, 2009, 3:38 AM

its temporary.

backup db (which is used for game db lookups) had some issues on the 3rd and i haven't had time to fix them yet.

it only takes a couple of minutes to fix but during that time the main database is inaccessible, so i try not to do that while people are on doing stuff.


Pente Rocks!
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