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Topic: Leader board activity
Replies: 1   Views: 28,509   Pages: 1   Last Post: Sep 11, 2008, 3:38 PM by: dweebo

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Posts: 141
Registered: Feb 29, 2004
From: the land of smelly cheese
Age: 38
Leader board activity
Posted: Sep 11, 2008, 1:57 PM

I noticed that the new leader board on the main page only lists 'active' players, and that one needs to play a rated set to become active. My question is, how long does it take to 'time out'?

I believe it should time out after seven days, so if someone doesn't play a rated set for a whole week, then their name stops being displayed until they play again.

This would allow for a more accurate leader board, and also give a chance to lesser level but more active players to get their names on that silver screen


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Re: Leader board activity
Posted: Sep 11, 2008, 3:38 PM

I agree, see this post I made with the same argument, 7 days

I think that for turn-based maybe the rule isn't that you have completed a set in the last 7 days, but maybe completed a game in the last 2 weeks or something. Since some players move slowly (myself!) it would be easy to have a set last over a month.


Pente Rocks!
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