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Topic: Audible Warning & D-Pente Auto Switch
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Posts: 542
Registered: May 9, 2002
From: Northeast USA
Audible Warning & D-Pente Auto Switch
Posted: Sep 3, 2007, 4:07 AM

Ok, Dweebo, I have two sort of unrelated suggestions that both came to mind from my recent speed d-pente matches.

First, some sort of audible alert(s) that you are running out of time. My first thought was some sort of bell that rings with 30 seconds left, 15, 10 and 5, each noise getting a little more panicky as you go! zoeyk actually suggested a voice counting down from 10 which is maybe a good idea too. (and for longer games, maybe a 2-minute warning, 1-minute warning and 30-second warning voice?)

Now, there may be some purists that say, hey, if you can't keep track of your clock it's your own fault, and, it's part of the game, and all that. Well, if that's really a concern, perhaps make it a timer setting? So, a box for time, a box for incremental time, and a checkbox Time Alerts ON/OFF. What do you think?

Ok, next, and I think this has been mentioned before, if a switch occurs in a D-Pente game (and it often does), then at the end of that game, P1 and P2 should NOT be auto switched to prepare for the next game of a set, since they'd end up being put back into their original seats and you have to manually switch if you're playing a set.

That's it -- both seem like quickies to me so I thought I'd throw it out there for your approval.


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Re: Audible Warning & D-Pente Auto Switch
Posted: Sep 4, 2007, 7:47 PM

I like the idea of an audible alert for running low on time, and I agree it should be an option that the table owner can allow or disallow, for purists.

For d-pente swap issue, that is already implemented. I just tested it to be sure and no switching of seats occurred after a game with a swap. If you are sure you've seen this happen let me know, maybe it is buggy in certain cases or something.


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Re: Audible Warning & D-Pente Auto Switch
Posted: Sep 4, 2007, 10:04 PM

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Re: Audible Warning & D-Pente Auto Switch
Posted: Sep 4, 2007, 10:15 PM

actually, zoey, you would only get a killing spree for winning 5 games in a row. winning 25 gets you a running riot!

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.

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Re: Audible Warning & D-Pente Auto Switch
Posted: Sep 4, 2007, 10:22 PM

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