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Topic: not that its highly important but,..
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not that its highly important but,..
Posted: Aug 30, 2007, 11:43 AM

When you enter the forums the tabs or headings say;
Topic , Author , Replies , Last Post.

But what I don't see is "Viewed".

Just something I noticed... Sometimes when I make a post, and no one replies I wonder how many people have viewed it. They didn't want to comment? Or the opposite, no one viewed it yet and I haven't waited long enough? Or perhaps the sight of my name, or the name of my topic repels them all lol.

A "Viewed" feature would be neat. Well just a thought,.. no big deal.


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Re: not that its highly important but,..
Posted: Aug 30, 2007, 11:53 AM

Another idea,..

I've seen on many forums on other sites that people that post can put this image in there thread called a "Signature" or "Sig" for short. Kinda like the pictures you let us donors use, only I think those are called avatars because of being placed off to the left side and not inside on the post its self. Not sure thow.

So any how, people can Put any picture they want as large as "500 wide X 300 high" (pixels).

This would be cool..

Heck,.. could be the new feature for those that donate say i dunno $20 towards the new Ultra Delux Donor Package lol.

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another idea
Posted: Aug 30, 2007, 12:15 PM

Ok how about this,.. and I've heard it brought up several times before while on the tables,..

Make it so that you can rename your table to what ever you want.

Another great Ultra Delux Donor Package idea.

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Posted: Aug 30, 2007, 12:18 PM

How do I search who are the newest members to create an account here at DSG?

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Re: wondering..
Posted: Aug 30, 2007, 12:22 PM

Is there a way that you can make it so that patterns in the data base both one way and then mirrored will show up together in the results?

It does add up all the rotational ways, but not the mirrored ones. I have to search twice and add it up and stuff. Makes it difficult when wanting to know the true sum of the stats of a pattern.


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Re: wondering..
Posted: Aug 30, 2007, 12:26 PM

When I'm in the data base, and I load someones game half way threw building a pattern, when I click the go back button the page expires and I have to reinsert all the moves again. Is that even fixable?

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Re: wondering..
Posted: Aug 30, 2007, 12:31 PM

Oh and would be cool if you could combine both "speed pente and regular pente" together as an additional filtering choice when searching in the data base.

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Re: not that its highly important but,..
Posted: Sep 4, 2007, 7:59 PM

i'll see if i can reply to all these suggestions in one response.

1. forum topic viewed feature. i agree, i've wanted to do that for some time.
2. forum signatures. i agree, i've wanted to do that also, but maybe only for donors.
3. rename tables. i first heard that one from tragedy, it is on the todo list i think, for donors.
4. searching for newest members. there is no way currently to do that. what would you do with that information?
5. mirrored db moves. i'm not sure about this one. if it is exactly mirrored, then it is also a rotation. as you mentioned, all the mirrored positions are included. maybe an example would help. i know there are some positions that are not combined even though they are essentially the same, like K10,L9,N10,N9 and K10,K9,N10,M9. but those aren't really the same, and i don't know how to combine them easily.
6. database back button problem. when i use the db i enter my pattern and click "Search". then after loading a specific game, i click the "Reset" button to get back to the pattern i loaded, if i want to then view other games or try a different pattern. is that what you are trying to do?
7. combine speed and regular pente. not a bad idea.


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Re: not that its highly important but,..
Posted: Sep 4, 2007, 9:04 PM




4. To keep a eye on new possible alts, or similar new
names of people that have been banned for something.
Example, jlekos i believe is back, not only that but with
2 names allmost the same, and they were playing each
other in a private rated table last night, possibly to cheat
his way into a masters rating. not sure thow, can't prove it.
Heres the names glekos and jeremyleko. See what I mean? lol

5. Umm, I'll get back to you on this...

6. Reset! thanks lol. duh sorry about that.



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Re: not that its highly important but,..
Posted: Sep 8, 2007, 12:26 AM


5. Sorry, meant to say after I click txt it wont go back.

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