Jan 19, 2002
Peoria Arizona
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Player Records
Jul 3, 2005, 2:35 AM
The main reason that I have used the database in the past is to see my personal history against the player I am currently playing. It would be really cool if there was a button you could hit that would say in the room the history you have with the person.
Like a good sample would be if I was seated and then someone like watsu sat down I could hit the button and it would say
Emerald/Watsu Pente record. First game on 2/28/2003 Emerald has won 3 games and Watsu has won 20 In the last 24 hours Emerald as won 0 games and Watsu has won 5
Of course I am just making these number up. Also it would show the stats for the game type that is currently selected. I used to look up such information in the database but that is now disabled when seated, but these stats would not hurt anything to give out and the query should be fairly easy to produce.
Tell me what you think. If you don’t think it would be too much load on the server it may be good to have it list this every time someone hits play, but then again some people may find that annoying. It would be much less load to have it as a button. It would be also cool if spectators could hit the button. You would have to do something where they can only hit it once in a 2 min period or something to reduce load.