What's that "M" I see?
Jul 19, 2015, 5:14 PM
I'm working on making the games accessible to people without Java, especially with Android phones and tablets. This is very beta, or alpha even. For now there's only support for Pente and Keryo-Pente. And no support for messages yet.
More games are coming, more features (like messaging) are coming, and support for touch devices is also coming.
It's an emergency feature for now, in case you're stuck (in the bathroom) and you have to have your Pente fix and all your have is your droid.
Avoid the feature for now if you can since you won't be able to read what your opponent has to say.
Re: What's that "M" I see?
Jul 23, 2015, 11:07 AM
All games should be supported now, as well as messages. The panel with player data is missing from the Java Applet, I still have to give that thought on how to integrate that nicely.
If you have tried to play on your android phone or tablet, I'm curious to hear about your experience.
Re: What's that "M" I see?
Aug 18, 2015, 8:08 AM
i like no java being the default now. List of moves on the right shows n11 when i play n9 and g8 when g12 is played, i suspect there are other transformations that are off also. The same games with java, this does not happen