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Topic: Reset the timer?
Replies: 2   Views: 23,058   Pages: 1   Last Post: Mar 16, 2005, 9:38 PM by: up2ng

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Posts: 542
Registered: May 9, 2002
From: Northeast USA
Reset the timer?
Posted: Mar 14, 2005, 11:20 PM

Here's a quick idea:

Whenever it goes from robot vs robot OR player vs robot TO player vs player -- automatically turn the timer back on and set it to whatever it was set to the last time it was player vs player.

This might be unnecessary, but it's amazing how often a player comes in and the game with the robot gets cancelled, the "rated" check box is checked, but both players forget to reset the timer until several moves into a rated game.

What do you think?


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Re: Reset the timer?
Posted: Mar 16, 2005, 3:01 PM

I'm not so sure I like this one. If we auto-reset the timers/rated checkboxes, couldn't the opposite happen just as easily? Players start playing assuming its untimed/unrated and oops, its not anymore?

Maybe the solution is to force users to look at rated/timed info when they click play, by opening a dialog window with the info and making them click yes or no.

Pente Rocks!

Posts: 542
Registered: May 9, 2002
From: Northeast USA
Re: Reset the timer?
Posted: Mar 16, 2005, 9:38 PM

I was thinking just the timer, not the rated checkbox would be reset. Often times players notice the game is unrated and decide to play a rated game (so they check the box), but do not remember that the game is still untimed. I would think that playing a rated game untimed would not be wanted very often since the lack of a timer can easily be abused.

But I agree, there seems to be pros and cons to whatever way it's done.

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