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Topic: Login Issue with browser plugin
Replies: 1   Views: 22,521   Pages: 1   Last Post: Feb 17, 2005, 6:37 PM by: dweebo

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Age: 23
Login Issue with browser plugin
Posted: Nov 19, 2004, 7:57 PM

When I open your site, it immediately greets me by username at the top. When i click to play with the browser plugin, it again greets me by username at the top of that window. However, it still asks me for my username and password before it will display the gameroom. This is obviously not a major concern, just thought I'd mention it.

-= Raginrhino =-


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Re: Login Issue with browser plugin
Posted: Feb 17, 2005, 6:37 PM

This "issue" has been fixed. If you are already logged into DSG, you won't see the login screen in the game room window.

Also, if you get disconnected from the server, the error screen now has a "Reconnect" button to quickly get you back in the game!


Pente Rocks!
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