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Topic: poof pente variant
Replies: 1   Views: 16,144   Pages: 1   Last Post: Jul 2, 2003, 4:59 PM by: dweebo

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poof pente variant
Posted: Jul 1, 2003, 3:43 PM

Hi, Dweebo, and thanks so much for putting this up. I hope my posts on this topic at Brainking didn't mislead you about one situation which can occur in the game. When I posted I forgot about this- if a situation such as:
XOO_XO is in place and X plays at _ then captures and poofs must be evaluated simultaneously, I think, so that the line resolves to X____O. I hope I didn't throw you off. If your version is not like this, I would imagine it would still be quite playable and in most cases would not be different. P.S.-Mark's poof pente AI is set up along the lines I have just described. Thanks again so much. Tom

Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat


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Re: poof pente variant
Posted: Jul 2, 2003, 4:59 PM

No my version "should" be like what you described. It worked that way in all of my tests.

Pente Rocks!
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