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Topic: RIII - be_water v brf
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RIII - be_water v brf
Posted: Apr 24, 2016, 5:31 PM

Communicate with your opponent here. Specify your time zone when referring to a time to meet, and use AM or PM, and state the numeric date, not just day of the week. If every week your opponent offers 3 or more days in the week to play, and you offer only one time to play on your day off, which your opponent can't make, this can be grounds to have you removed from the tourney for lack of effort/flexibility.


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Re: RIII - be_water v brf
Posted: Apr 25, 2016, 6:46 PM

be, I'm out of town all this week so will have to work something out once we round the corner into May. I prefer playing mon, tues, and wednesday. Usually anytime mondays works for me though. Let me know what you're thinking and we can try to line up a set.


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Re: RIII - be_water v brf
Posted: Apr 26, 2016, 7:32 AM

That works well for me because I am in finals week right now; my last one will be on the 2nd. Lets plan on playing Tuesday the 3rd. Anytime of day would work.


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Re: RIII - be_water v brf
Posted: May 3, 2016, 12:10 AM

I'll be at work all day tomorrow and it's looks real screwed right now. I'm going to try and make it happen but the outlook isn't hot tomorrow or wednesday right now. I'll update this as soon as I can determine when I'll be home and can actually play.


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Re: RIII - be_water v brf
Posted: May 3, 2016, 5:46 PM

I am flexible today so I'll most likely be able to do any time you put up. I'll be checking.


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Re: RIII - be_water v brf
Posted: May 5, 2016, 9:47 PM

I'm guessing you were busy with work Tuesday then. I am very flexible for the moment so just let me know when a time is good. I will check daily for updates


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Re: RIII - be_water v brf
Posted: May 6, 2016, 2:52 AM

screwed doesn't even begin to describe the hand I've been dealt this week...see the pm. so I don't know what to say as far as schedule. I'm still at work so when I get through the BS I have to deal with I'll try and work in pente. I know it needs to be done so I'll do my best to find some time here to at least get the initial set going. right now I'm trying to work something for next monday if that doesn't work I'll shoot for tues or wed but I'll confirm here so you're not left in limbo trying to see wtf. -Brf


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Re: RIII - be_water v brf
Posted: May 16, 2016, 6:37 AM

bw and I are shooting for sometime in the evening tuesday May 17 right now. time tbd but we're working it. -Brf

Message was updated below by: brf at May 18, 2016 8:03 AM

I was unable to make tonight due to work being insane, (didn't even make it home until 8:30pm) which makes it pretty late for BW. We've been in contact though and are going to try and get something going tomorrow or thurs worst case it looks like right now. Will update here once we can get a time locked in. -Brf


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Re: RIII - be_water v brf
Posted: May 20, 2016, 2:27 AM

had to travel due an unplanned work event down to CA and I'm screwed. I should be back home tomorrow night and will check in. I take any heat on me for any game delay on this round, be_water has been in contact and been ready to play at least few times that I couldn't line up with. We will knock this out, but work is f'd right now and I have to work around it.


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Re: RIII - be_water v brf
Posted: May 27, 2016, 2:07 AM

We are still in contact trying to find a time. Sorry for the delays. We will keep anybody watching this thread updated


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Re: RIII - be_water v brf
Posted: Jun 7, 2016, 6:27 AM

Me and Brf were able to find some time tonight to play. We just figured out it would work tonight so there wasn't any warning.

We played a couple sets and Brf found me on my heals in the second match. He is definitely tough. I think that will put Brf and Zoey together next round which will be fun to see.


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Re: RIII - be_water v brf
Posted: Jun 7, 2016, 5:04 PM

I will be easy target. I'm super rusty. And brf is on his A game. And, even turn based he kicks my but usually. So, but I'll give it my best.

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