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Topic: Voting Poll - Re: Time Extensions
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Voting Poll - Re: Time Extensions
Posted: Feb 1, 2016, 8:21 PM

Greetings all.

I seem caught in the middle here.

The round extensions I seem to be having trouble navigating.

Some players seem to give me the sense that they are unhappy with how I am handling extensions.

Some say I offer too much.
Some worry of favoritism.
Some feel I have not offered enough extension.
Some may feel my wordings in posts have not been polite enough.

So, to settle this and remove myself from the equation, I propose that you all figure out the extensions policies between your selves. I.e., You all want 3 months per round? Any thing you want is your choice.

Any player who signed up for this tourney may cast their vote on either their own proposal, or the proposal of another, with regards to extensions. I will follow the guidelines that you as a majority of a collective vote for.

I'm not here to be the bad guy/police man. I'm just here to play my matches, and assist where my services can be of help.

Round 3 does not start until the collective majority says so. Make your proposals, cast your votes.



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Re: Voting Poll - Re: Time Extensions
Posted: Feb 1, 2016, 8:48 PM

hello fellow tourney players!
i am of the opinion that since extension to feb. 11 has been given to some that it should be extended to all to avoid any hint of favoritism.
as far as round 3 goes i suggest we follow the standard 21 days per round as laid out in tourney rules and discontinue any further extensions.this would eliminate the issue completely.
we all knew the terms when we signed up

bloodied but unbowed

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Re: Voting Poll - Re: Time Extensions
Posted: Feb 1, 2016, 8:50 PM

21 days to play a match is certainly fair, but I do think you should get something along the lines of an extra 7 days for every set you have to play past two drawn sets.

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.

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Re: Voting Poll - Re: Time Extensions
Posted: Feb 1, 2016, 10:57 PM

I'll just toss 2 cents in here for what ever it's worth.

Jay and classy don't have matching up days off, but only want to play on days off... How do you all propose to handle that?

Secondly, Other players rushed their sets to be done by the 28th to avoid forfeiting, and now Vic is saying all remaining games should extend to 11th so that every one is treated the same. Will this "upset" the players who rushed their matches by Jan 28th, but could have had till Feb 11th without any excuse required, if they had known this?


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Re: Voting Poll - Re: Time Extensions
Posted: Feb 2, 2016, 5:31 PM

I am just wanting to see games get played. If players are making an effort to get their games played I am fine with them having extensions. If however there is no forseeable game to be played either because of nonresponse or inflexability from either player i am more reluctant.

I agree that 21 days should be good. I like karl's idea of having extension if you have played and tied since you have clearly shown an effort. I think that live play is different than TB in that two players won't keep tying for nearly as long.

What makes most sense to me is that the extension would be extended to everyone like vic said but as soon as the players who earned the extension finish their round the next round should be started.

so to sum up the vote
yes to 21 days
yes to extension for everyone in event of tie
yes to extension ending early if all tied players finish their round


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Re: Voting Poll - Re: Time Extensions
Posted: Feb 2, 2016, 8:15 PM

it's too bad we couldn't have something like turn-based but live, more of a Hybrid. Meaning a gameboard that has a 20min timer for both players (and a locked 21 day timer max, maybe 11 days each per player?). Only when the player clicks on the game when it is for his\her own turn does the timer start for them off of their 20min. That way this whole trying to sync up with players across multiple time zones and schedules are negated and a timely finish is ensured within ~21 days.

some issues I see to make it work right are not being able to see the gameboard until it's your "turn" to move so you wouldn't get to look over the board position (from your opponents last move) until you were logged into the gameboard and your ~20min timer started ticking down. Also, until you actually move (and your opponent HAS) your 11 day overall timer is ticking down (whoever messes around too long and lets their 11 day timer go to zero before moving would lose period).

Might need some tweaks but essentially every time you're logged into your gameboard when it's your turn to move, the 20min timer is ticking down. So you can't screw around & must treat it like a live game...moving quickly to keep the most minutes on deck that you can.

Only thing separating this scenario from live gameroom is lack of realtime chat between players and potentially not having an audience which isn't needed anyway.

I'm for some solution like this. this trying to work out live play times between players is a pain in the *** and just drags these live tournaments out longer than they need to be. With the ability to play a Hybrid live game, I could move when I wanted and so could the other player without trying to find that magic block of mutual time.

Just a thought.


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Re: Voting Poll - Re: Time Extensions
Posted: Feb 3, 2016, 1:14 AM

an exciting concept for a future tourney brf!
i know i'd sign up!
but i dont see how we could apply it to this tournament
without rewriting the tourney rules and format midgame.

bloodied but unbowed

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Re: Voting Poll - Re: Time Extensions
Posted: Feb 3, 2016, 7:39 AM


I understand your frustration, and side with you, but I can also understand at least part of the ideas you mention that are in opposition to your handling. Not that it is any your fault. I am with you, Z. On your side.

Here is my thoughts on the way the tour should have been handled differently so as to minimize the flack.

1. A double elimination bracket should have been set up and displayed up front. Here is an example: http://sports.stackexchange.com/questions/5811/how-does-a-double-elimination-bracket-work

It would have made who faces who win or lose clear.

2. Not sure where the favoritism issue came from. Time issues? If so I agree with your move to just extend and work it out, as you seem to be doing. And yes you should have made clearer the time limit dates in the 2nd round.

3. Hang in there and don't sweat it.

Lastly, I love brf's idea. Brilliant.



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Re: Voting Poll - Re: Time Extensions
Posted: Feb 17, 2016, 10:46 PM

Please, can you guys look at Jay and classys thread and please give me some input. I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

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Re: Voting Poll - Re: Time Extensions
Posted: Feb 17, 2016, 10:48 PM

Please, can you guys look at Jay and classys thread and please give me some input. I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

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Re: Voting Poll - Re: Time Extensions
Posted: Feb 18, 2016, 4:32 AM

i think we all feel compassion for jayhawklovs circumstances.
and you have been more than generous w/ extensions. i do not want to see anyone dropped from the tourney if possible.
as i understand it richardiii and brf have yet to complete their match.
so the tourney cannot advance til then anyway.
tho they have played (quite well).
point is that i see no harm in allowing jayhawklov and xtra to be allowed an extension until such time as it impedes the rest of the tourney i.e. active players completing sets.
tho in all fairness id say xtra's opinion weighs the most

bloodied but unbowed

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Re: Voting Poll - Re: Time Extensions
Posted: Feb 18, 2016, 10:18 PM

well as invictus mentioned Rich and I are still slugging ours out so not really a big deal to me and I'm aware of Jay just having some personal things which are out of his control so I'm not concerned about it. I think it was a worthy goal to try and set times for a live tournament and if nothing else key lessons are learned about how realistic that can be. Pretty much figure that you have to times everything by 2 and add two weeks and maybe you might be close to round times.

Only way that is ever going to be fixed is doing something like I mentioned in my last post here above or just outright DQ'n people for taking too long which kind of defeats the purpose. As it is here 1/2 of the pool would've been DQ'd if that was the case.

In future some serious restructuring is going to have to be done on these "live" tournaments since time limits just aren't maintainable with the current system...it somehow needs to be automated with a timeout system if there's to be any hope of fixing this next time. That too will cause people to whine and moan with every excuse imaginable why they couldn't do it in the time allotted. I really think that Hybrid solution I was thinking of could really have fixed all of this.

Regardless, Rich and I are really trying to get our match played out and until one of us can take the set this other issue isn't really holding anything up worse than anything else.


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Re: Voting Poll - Re: Time Extensions
Posted: Feb 28, 2016, 5:13 AM

brf and richardiii...
i understand the difficulties involved trying o align a suitable game time for both parties
but the tourney seems to have stalled pending the completion of your match
any chance you guys could post a date/time?
i wouldnt want to miss it

bloodied but unbowed

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Re: Voting Poll - Re: Time Extensions
Posted: Mar 1, 2016, 2:20 AM

Rich and I have been in contact but neither of us have been able to make anything work this last week, the days that worked for me don't work for him and vice versa. personally I don't much mind calling it and just saying let Rich advance, it takes 2 hours+ every time he and I sync up and after 3 tries now (and 4 ties) I don't see any end in site to this scenario. sure one of us might get lucky and get the set but at this point I'm less likely to believe that than I was before we entered into this matchup.

The way we're going this could easily take another month and my 2016 St Pats tournament starts in 2 weeks at BK so I think it might just be best in the interests of this tournament to bow out so as to speed the next round a long and clear my plate before St. Pats. I will let Zoey decide how he wants to handle this but I think it's the best thing here...also, if I don't concede first then I'm sure Rich probably will...can't imagine he really wants to play a 5th-? set any more than I do .

I'll re-iterate this in our tourney thread.


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Re: Voting Poll - Re: Time Extensions
Posted: Mar 2, 2016, 5:37 AM

that would be a tragedy.
i hope that you guys can complete a definitive match.
mostly for selfish reasons as i have thoroughly enjoyed watching a battle of the titans
but certainly understand your prior obligation to bk.
and as i understand it conceding the match wouldnt eliminate either of you as you have no losses and this is a double elimination tourney.
at any rate vgg's!
ty both!
hope to see more

bloodied but unbowed
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