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Topic: Seventh Heaven Rule Change
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Posts: 542
Registered: May 9, 2002
From: Northeast USA
Seventh Heaven Rule Change
Posted: Mar 11, 2010, 1:45 AM

Hello Players:

First, I apologize that I could not attend this week to monitor the tournament. I was very sick and was already in bed sleeping off a fever when the tournament time rolled around. I hope that everyone will continue to show up and play their matches in good faith regardless of whether or not I am present.

Rule Change:
It has become clear to me that none of the players are able to post messages in these forums. I'm not sure why that is the case and that was not my intention.

So, the rule change is this: If I am not present in the tournament lobby during the scheduled playing time, instead of posting a message here in the forums that you have showed up to play your match, send me a PM instead. Do it right away, do not wait to see if your opponent will show up or not because I will use the timestamp of that message to determine if you were present.

Thank you all for your cooperation and good luck in the rest of your matches.

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