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Topic: beating the clock :-[
Replies: 1   Views: 10,655   Pages: 1   Last Post: Jul 11, 2002, 6:40 PM by: dweebo

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Registered: Jul 9, 2002
From: Central Florida
Age: 48
beating the clock :-[
Posted: Jul 11, 2002, 5:45 PM

last night was my first time playing and I always ran out of time. My
- or so it seems - did not click correctly and the timer kept running. I
have no problems with the mouse in any other manner. Is there a trick? I
was clicking on the spot in which I wished to place a stone. It took
several clicks and many seconds in which to place a stone.



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Re: beating the clock :-[
Posted: Jul 11, 2002, 6:40 PM

I'm sorry you ran out of time!

When you click the board to make your move the move gets sent from your computer across the internet to www.pente.org where the server is processing commands. Eventually the move you make is processed, it is checked to make sure the move is valid, that its your turn, that the game isn't over, etc. It also has to check if that move will end the game. Finally after all that the move is accepted and sent back to your computer.

Obviously, this whole process does take time, so your moves will not appear instantaneously. This is probably why you could click several times and had to wait several seconds.

I suppose a future improvement would be to make your computer "think" the move is accepted and then if it wasn't for some reason return an error and cancel the move.

I've also noticed sometimes the first click doesn't take for some reason. But it should be just a minor inconvenience to have to click again until I figure out the glitch.

Hope this answers your question.

Pente Rocks!
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