Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: Can't get on!
Feb 1, 2010, 2:45 AM
me too! yesterday i got booted from the lobby while in a game with pente_man, yet my name was still in the lobby for 30 minutes even tho i rebooted my computer well before that. pente_man reported to me that this same thing happened to him vs invictus, as a result both me and pente man show a loss due to a unstoppable time out, this same thing happened to me vs blackkllab a couple weeks ago. now today i cant log in. it gets to the point on the java window that says "logged in as zoeyk" and just freezes. is this a glitch in the code? or is it a issue with the server hosting? ide imagine its a glitch in the code.
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Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: Can't get on!
Feb 1, 2010, 3:00 AM
ok just tried both firefox and explorer, both a fail. next i will try checking for a newer version of java. ill add that im running windows 7 on 64 bit.
im updating my firfox to v.3.6 well see how it goes.
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Thanks Zoey for the research! I think it is the pente website, but I will update my Java and see what happens. I have had several other problems, as well as opponents too, in that the computer will freeze up while playing a game. At any rate, I am having pente withdrawal symptoms today. Not pleasant!
Try this! I updated the Java which actually updates automatically on my computer. When I went to join main room the screen pop up said that this version requires an earlier version of Java! Dweebo needs to look into that. Have you noiced the long list of browsers today and only 3 people have been able to get into the main room?
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: Can't get on!
Feb 1, 2010, 9:50 AM
so it was brought to my attention that by selecting the "beginners room" and then joining you can enter there. thats what they were doing. beginners room works,..main lobby is broken,...weird
thank god dweebo made a beginners room. we owe a thanks to the guy that had that idea lol. and to dweebo for making it.
i assume up2ng messaged dweebo today, i saw up2ng browsing, surely he noticed.
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Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: Can't get on!
Feb 1, 2010, 10:06 AM
ok so i can get in the lobby now,.. although the site went down twice tonight. i didn't see dweebo's name logged in, but he was probably here in invisible mode fixing it.
who knows lol
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Monday morning, got into main room, BUT, when Java came up and said that the pente program needed the old java and cautioned me about security, I just selected RUN and I got in. Thank you Zoey, and I am sure Dweebo is reading these and is on the ball. Dweebo, this site is the best! Everyone should donate!
zoeyk hit the nail on the head. My table froze Sat night, and I was unable to get back in until Sunday evening when I decided to try the Beginner's Room because I saw someone else was already in there.
As for the login problems, I've had very similar issues on multiple occasions, there is definitely a glitch somewhere. Too many times to count, I've had the table freeze, and then had to re-boot the computer and clear the browser cookies in order for the site to let me log back in to the main room. I could get into other rooms, but not the main one (even after several minutes of being booted) because I was already there, or so the computer thought.
Jan 8, 2010
Re: Can't get on!
Feb 2, 2010, 6:02 AM
zoeyk, This is blondeww, everyone went onto the beginners room. we were able to play our uual rated games, we thought there was a glitch in the main room. we are now just as confused as you are,lol.