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Topic: playing against the computer
Replies: 1   Views: 28,565   Pages: 1   Last Post: Oct 11, 2006, 11:03 PM by: dweebo

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Registered: Oct 28, 2002
From: Sunny California
Age: 55
playing against the computer
Posted: Oct 11, 2006, 10:44 PM

I can't figure out why when I play against the compter about every minute my screen mimimises and goes back to the table screen. It is very annoying and I can't concentrate on my game. I am just learning and so I could really use some help here. We just installed our new version of Jave thinking that would help, but it did not. So any help will be nice.... Thank you Dweebo


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Re: playing against the computer
Posted: Oct 11, 2006, 11:03 PM

I think I know the problem, I was noticing it the other day as well. For me it only happens using firefox and its because of the ads at the top of the screen, they reload every minutes. The ebay ads for some reason cause the browser to show that screen. I will disable the ebay ads from the playing window unless I can find a workaround.


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