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Topic: Searching for Nosovs's P1 mistakes
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Searching for Nosovs's P1 mistakes
Posted: Oct 13, 2009, 4:06 AM

ok, i recently played this game vs nosovs.
i miss clicked my 9th move and was denied a undo, no prob.
any how i meant to go L6 on my ninth. i strongly feel black had "Sure Win" if played here.

what do you guys think?
im 99% sure here....

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Re: Searching for Nosovs's P1 mistakes
Posted: Oct 15, 2009, 3:01 AM

A reminder to all players: Remember that the Undo button is a REQUEST for an undo, and the opponent has every right to deny this request for any reason. It is always advisable to discuss each other's personal "Undo Policies" before starting a set. Once discussed, it's a good idea to keep one's word about it -- and on the other side, don't abuse the use of Undos if your opponent is generous about granting them. My personal Undo policy, for example, is to almost always grant fast Undo requests and many other ones also, and to never ASK for an undo, even when I immediately realize that I made a mistake and might lose because of it -- my rating has suffered greatly over time because of this, but this forces discipline and provides the most challenge. Other players always grant undos and ask for them frequently. Other players never grant undos. Every player must decide for themselves how to handle these situations.

With regards to this game: You are correct. 9 ... L6 is a winning move. It appears that you had the win right from the opening. I'm actually quite perflexed by the entire opening sequence that nosovs played here -- it appears to me that the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th moves were ALL mistakes, and he eventually paid for this by being in a losing position -- and was lucky to escape with a win here.

Message was edited by: up2ng at Oct 16, 2009 8:37 PM


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Re: Searching for Nosovs's P1 mistakes
Posted: Oct 16, 2009, 9:59 AM

thanks, good to keep in mind.

Message was edited by: zoeyk at Oct 16, 2009 6:45 AM

Message was edited by: zoeyk at Oct 17, 2009 3:43 AM

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Re: Searching for Nosovs's P1 mistakes
Posted: Oct 21, 2009, 10:31 AM

I don't agree that all my moves was loosing.
I think O14 was too sharp and optimistick.
after home analisis I think to play M10 instead and first player win rather easy.
So, mistake was O14 and second player playing L8 make mistake too.
It was not clicking mistake , it was playing mistake.
My policy never give undo at rating games and red players especcially.
If you playing rating games , don't afraid opponent,
and don't ask him undo. Red players is good status and player have to play as strong as he can.
I can understand if player ask undo making stupid move in the corner like B2 - it is possible to ask undo, but making normal move in a game - it is shame for me to ask undo.
That is my personal opinion and my personal policy - you can discuss it or not, you can agree or disagree, but it 'll not changes.


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Re: Searching for Nosovs's P1 mistakes
Posted: Oct 21, 2009, 8:00 PM

Hi nosovs,

Yes, 5. M10 is a nice improvement for white. However, I'm still not sure how white wins "rather easy" from this new position. Here are a couple of possibilities for black:

Both of these solutions are very tricky and perhaps in a 20 minute game they would not be found. Did you consider these possibilities? Is there an improvement for white that can win? I might have missed something, but the point is, it looks like white is playing defense after the opening and waiting for black to play into a trap. This should not be necessary for Player 1.


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Re: Searching for Nosovs's P1 mistakes
Posted: Oct 22, 2009, 3:48 AM

7 N5 is not the strongest answer in your variant.

8O12 P12
L10 J10


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Re: Searching for Nosovs's P1 mistakes
Posted: Oct 22, 2009, 7:04 AM



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Re: Searching for Nosovs's P1 mistakes
Posted: Oct 22, 2009, 9:45 AM

black played K8 on the 5th...
and there was no captures...

thus K8 can not be played on again in this move sequence that you are saying, until a capture occurs removing K8 first.

and you say the 7th N5 of white is not the best move,
how ever in the line you typed, it only starts from 8th O12.
so what 7th does this 8th play off of?

please be more clear, thanks.

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Re: Searching for Nosovs's P1 mistakes
Posted: Oct 22, 2009, 12:19 PM

Sorry for mistape
instead N5
O12 P12 we need to have four
L10 J10 we crearte pair
If you play at N5
then just capture pair and it will not be four for P2 and it 'll be four for P1

Message was edited by: nosovs at Oct 22, 2009 6:21 AM


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Re: Searching for Nosovs's P1 mistakes
Posted: Oct 22, 2009, 12:47 PM

ok i see,.. yes you are correct.

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Re: Searching for Nosovs's P1 mistakes
Posted: Oct 22, 2009, 8:33 PM

Very nice, I completely missed that option for white. I do not see any other sequence of forcing moves that works for black.

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