Re: jozso vs. benjon (nice wedge benj !)
Dec 11, 2008, 5:37 PM
yes , i agree
it was a nice game by benjon, but.. (11. k12 is ok for white , followed by e.g. 12. l9)
i think its important on which side u block the diagonal three , because in this position , benjon could play 10. h8 , or even better first e10 , and then h8
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
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Re: jozso vs. benjon (nice wedge benj !)
Dec 11, 2008, 9:14 PM
if white 11=K12 and black blocks 11=H14 then white goes 12=L9,.....this creates a threat. and protects whites building structure. either side black had blocked the diag 3, white had a way to continue momentum. the capture was whites error. once the capture was made, i believe black has the winning initiative.
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