Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
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P2 hall of fame games
Oct 5, 2008, 1:50 PM
Melanie Defeats Zoeyk in Round 6 , Set 3 of the Carson's Pente Tourney. Good Job Mel!
Zoeyk defeats Jozso in "set 1" of "Section 1" in "Round 4" of the "Carsons Pente Tourney of 2009". Zoeyk swept the Set 2-0.
Karlw defeats Richardiii's White in a tourney
Richardiii defeats nosovs's white
Karencita defeats Nosovs's White!!!!! Wow Congrates Karen!!!!Amazing that i was there to see it happen
black's 9th move at O13 i found to be a turning point discovery for this game
Blacks 5th move at O10 i found to be a turning point discovery for this opening, and the 6th and 7th are good additions as well. nosovs made this new variation at brainking originally i believe.
makes me question whites 3rd Blacks 4th move i find to be a turning point discovery for this opening
makes me question white's 3rd, although richardiii claims white had a win somewhere after its 3rd,... it's yet to be discovered. Black's 10th move at M9 was a turning point descovery in this game
i question whites 3rd blacks cap defend move first done in this game here has me puzzled. this is a break off of the M8 opening that does a cap trade instead of defending from being captured blacks 4th move at L7 was a turning point descovery in this opening
here is 2 games that are similar,..nosovs proposes a fun variation of the M8 opening. Blacks 4th is a turning point descover in this opening.
and the second one is me using nosovs's opening on karlw
Message was edited by: zoeyk at Jun 19, 2009 7:28 PM
Message was edited by: zoeyk at Oct 4, 2009 1:22 AM
Scire hostis animum - Intelligere ludum - Nosce te ipsum - Prima moventur conciliat - Nolite errare
Re: P2 hall of fame games
Nov 10, 2008, 6:31 AM
in the first game, niobium vs. bibigon wouldn't white have won with 16.) O12? did niobium miss that he had an open three of his own, or am i missing something?
zoey, you could have won the game of you vs. nosovs with the M8 opening. If you had gone L15 instead of H10 on the 15th, followed by capture at E9, then gone H10. Let the game continue as was, then after nosovs played J15 you should have protected your pair with M12, leading to a win for white by captures. however, it would be very difficult to have seen that in a live game, and black did have a good game, just not an unbeatable one, and i can see why you would include it in the hall of fame.
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: P2 hall of fame games
Nov 10, 2008, 11:14 AM
if white had done O12 on the 16th making a 4, then black would capture at M8 on the 16th, thus reversing momentum by knocking white's 4 into a 3, and also increasing black's 3 into a 4 in one single move by way of capture.
after that black forces 5th capture by same method.
Scire hostis animum - Intelligere ludum - Nosce te ipsum - Prima moventur conciliat - Nolite errare
Re: P2 hall of fame games
Nov 15, 2008, 2:53 AM
I'm not good enough with openings to tell what would happen with 5.) P10 and then threatening a black pair (probably forced by 6.)L10, I think) with 7.)L11. Any thoughts on that line? I think black has to protect the pair there...
Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat
Re: P2 hall of fame games
Oct 4, 2009, 1:58 AM
Melanie beats Zoeyk in tournament play:
Z's fatal mistake appears to me to have come @ move 13 (though I haven't spotted a clear winning move to replace it); kudos to Mel for being able to capitalize on it.
Message was edited by: watsu at Oct 3, 2009 8:39 PM
Message was edited by: watsu at Oct 3, 2009 8:46 PM
Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: P2 hall of fame games
Oct 4, 2009, 7:18 AM
yeah, i made 2 mistakes. and that was the 3rd set, she wore me out by then,(in my defense ).
mistake #1 my 5th should had been N9
mistake #2 i had sure win on the 13th if i had gone K7.
in closing; the N9 move for my 5th was more simple in retrospect. and great game mel! i will add this game to the hall of fame, thanks for sharing watsu.
Scire hostis animum - Intelligere ludum - Nosce te ipsum - Prima moventur conciliat - Nolite errare
May 9, 2002
Northeast USA
Re: P2 hall of fame games
Oct 4, 2009, 8:38 AM
This looks like a tough opening so good job to black on a nice game!
I agree, Zoey, your improvement of 13. K7 seems to work out -- at first I wasn't sure if maybe black could "ignore" your tria and play a tria of her own, but she would run out of momentum and into cap trouble. However, any time white's attack stalls out the way it did after move 11 you always wonder if something could have been done better, unless it creates tons of attack lines and black clearly has less than nothing to work with, which was not the case here. Black had a couple of other options for move 11 also, each one causing problems for white although perhaps white can still counter them all...
This, I'm sure is why you looked for an earlier mistake and chose move 5, which I also agree was a point where white might have had better options.
Although White probably does win with 5. N9 I'm not so sure this would be "more simple" -- I can see a few ways that black could make things miserable from here even though white probably can still win.
I normally am not a big fan of playing a "building move" for white's 5th, especially when black has so many potentials lining up, but perhaps a move like 5. N12 is best here -- opening things up while countering all of black's threats (although I didn't look very closely so maybe I missed some!). If a move like this turns out to be best, then kudos to black for playing an opening that forces white to play a complex, non-intuitive move early in the game to keep things rolling smoothly.
Black played very well in this one throughout the game. Congrats!
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: P2 hall of fame games
Oct 7, 2009, 2:34 AM
At the request from another player i will be adding this game possibly. im not sure it meets my personal criteria for being added, but i suppose i should let community decide.
its Brfs 2nd Annual St Pats Day pente tourney. 1st round Section 2 jayhawklov player 2 against mark m
i have translated the game into dsg code to make it viewable. this game is not in the data base.
May 9, 2002
Northeast USA
Re: P2 hall of fame games
Oct 10, 2009, 10:41 PM
These are some excellent performances by black. However, it might be instructive to show where white actually went wrong, or could have played better to secure the win. Black's job is to make things difficult for white and take advantage of minor mistakes -- but at some point white must have made an error in order for black to win these games.
I took a quick look at each of the games listed in the original post. I've come up with various improvements white could have made to win the game. Do you disagree with any of these? Post YOUR solutions!
Improvements for White:
zoeyk vs. melanie, 9/6/2009 12. K7 OR 5. N12
jozso vs. zoeyk, 6/19/2009 8. L8*, J10; 9. O12 OR 4. N11
richardiii vs. karlw, 9/11/2007 7. N11 OR 4. N9
nosovs vs. richardiii, 4/7/2009 5. M12 OR 2. K13
nosovs vs. karencita, 2/7/2009 3. K8
niobium vs. bibigon, 7/26/2008 8. P8 OR 4. J10
richardiii vs. kolia, 9/8/2008 2. K13
zoeyk vs. jozso, 4/29/2008 3. L8
zoeyk vs. richardiii, 4/23/2009 5. H9 OR 3. L8
zoeyk vs. karlw, 10/3/2008 7. M11 OR 6. M13 OR 5. O8
zoeyk vs. nosovs, 9/16/2008 15. M12 OR 14. E9 OR 14. L15 OR 13. L15 OR 2. K13
karlw vs. zoeyk, 9/19/2008 8. L11 OR 7. L11 OR 6. G11 OR 2. G10