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Topic: IYT tournament game- Dmitriking vs. wrhino23
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IYT tournament game- Dmitriking vs. wrhino23
Posted: Oct 5, 2008, 11:04 AM

This one is in the db, but since it wasn't played here I don't think we have a discuss button for it. I thought it was interesting for quite a few reasons. 1.) Dmitri didn't lose often as P1 at this point in his turn based playing days, I think he actually had a winning move at move 13 and I think the zero to five captures in 6 moves ending is pretty impressive...

[Game "Pente"]
[Site "It's Your Turn"]
[Event "January 2003 Member Main #1 Tournament"]
[Round "2"]
[Section "2"]
[Date "03/01/2003"]
[Time "19:38:00"]
[TimeControl "48+48"]
[Rated "Y"]
[Player 1 Name "Dmitriking"]
[Player 2 Name "wrhino23"]
[Player 1 Rating "?"]
[Player 2 Rating "?"]
[Player 1 Type "Human"]
[Player 2 Type "Human"]
[Result "0-1"]

1. K10 J9 2. G10 G9 3. H9 J8 4. J10 H10 5. J7 F8 6. J11 E7 7. D6 J8 8. L9 H12 9.
K8 H6 10. M10 N11 11. L10 N10 12. L12 L11 13. K11 H11 14. J11 F11 15. H9 L8 16.
L9 L10 17. N12 K11 18. J12 J13 19. M9 J10 0-1

Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat


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Re: IYT tournament game- Dmitriking vs. wrhino23
Posted: Oct 6, 2008, 10:56 PM

fyi, you can display a game here if you can find the game ID using the following text in a new forum post.


If you can find the game in the game database, you can find the game ID. Click the "TXT" link next to the game, that will open up a page with a URL like this http://pente.org/gameServer/pgn.jsp?g=34194139861240 and the ID you need is the number at the end.

Not intuitive I realize but that works until something better is implemented.

And here is the game you described


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Re: IYT tournament game- Dmitriking vs. wrhino23
Posted: Oct 6, 2008, 11:42 PM

it was zero to five captures in 7 moves i believe and yes ty dweebo for that helpful information to place games from other sites into the forum in viewable form and not only that but now we don't need to go into the player profile hunting by dates. perhaps this copy and type n paste method will promote putting games into a single thread or post, as opposed to spamming the forum with multi threads for individual games, i realize i my self am semi guilty of this, and would like to consolidate my threads into a folder of some sort so as to not over whelm others trying to share threads.

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