Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Shape research
Sep 7, 2008, 8:54 PM
zoeyk (14:49): tools zoeyk (14:49): yes zoeyk (14:49): there are different types of tools zoeyk (14:50): one is understanding mechanicle shapes within patterns,... zoeyk (14:50): another is understanding why certain 2nds and 3rds are best zoeyk (14:51): then there is understanding the principles of momentum zoeyk (14:51): momentum =initiative zoeyk (14:52): a common word used in games likt chess and Go zoeyk (14:52): there is more than one type zoeyk (14:53): self sustaining, and temporary zoeyk (14:53): they is also a process of thought in a order to determine the move zoeyk (14:53): questions to be asked zoeyk (14:53): to know zoeyk (14:54): offence vs defence and whos got it when zoeyk (14:54): reading the board, understanding the state of the moment. zoeyk (14:55): looking down multiple paths in a way to create a list of values zoeyk (14:55): comparing values zoeyk (14:56): have the capasity, to.....look at massive cap trade junctures zoeyk (14:56): look down all paths a set number of moves zoeyk (14:57): see the after math of the cap trade landing zoeyk (14:57): then read the board from that new patterns state zoeyk (14:57): do this down several paths zoeyk (14:57): compare zoeyk (14:58): if white is your color..... zoeyk (14:58): you look for perfect play zoeyk (14:59): if black is your color, can either play the board like white does,...or you can adjust for indeviduals in a phycological manner zoeyk (15:00): to trick,....create illusions,....smoke and mirrors xtraclassy (15:00): do wahatever causes confusion? zoeyk (15:00): right zoeyk (15:00): only as black zoeyk (15:00): never as white zoeyk (15:00): white white trys to win by trick, will win zoeyk (15:01): if white i mean zoeyk (15:01): trick equals,....losing move that has trap white can choose to avoid if seen zoeyk (15:02): white does not relly on what black does zoeyk (15:02): no trickery needed zoeyk (15:02): white has the win at move one zoeyk (15:03): K10 is perfect and flawless in every sence zoeyk (15:03): black has no good answer that beats K10 zoeyk (15:03): black only has tricky first moves zoeyk (15:03): but why? zoeyk (15:04): and ,... zoeyk (15:04): what is initiative in reguads to K10? zoeyk (15:04): zoeyk (15:05): by whites 3rd move it can usually make either a threating move,..or a forcing move
"Figure one" with extra stones added for game play example.
"Figure one" with no extra stones to show only the core shape.
"Figure two"
"Figure three"
"Figure four"
"Figure five" potential double threat in 2 moves
"Figure six" potential double threat in 2 moves
"Figure seven" potential double threat in 2 moves
"Figure eight" potential double threat in 1-2 moves
"Figure nine"
"Figure ten"
"Figure eleven" "Richardiii's winding the clock" example1
winding the clock is incredibly sexy. although some of the other shapes look really outlandish to me--I can't think of a common line in which they would show up. figures 5-7, for example.
It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: Shape research
Sep 8, 2008, 10:48 AM
well,..lets start with figures 2, 3, and 10
do these share enough commonality to be labeled as the same type of shape,.. or do they deserve to be classified separately? and if so or not what shall they be named as. and is one stronger than another?
thanks,..and once we get an answer to this i will ask other questions for some other shapes.
Scire hostis animum - Intelligere ludum - Nosce te ipsum - Prima moventur conciliat - Nolite errare
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: Shape research
Sep 8, 2008, 6:47 PM
ty,..yes,.. the weird ones i put i knew wouldn't normally happen,..but i still wanted to define what they were by classification. they were only examples to go on of odd long range shapes that "could" happen.
i would like to create either a shape family class system,.. or a set of rules for defining shapes.
in addition,...i saw the other thread for playable boards for the forums. and very cool! my question is can you make it so i can set up a playable board so i can have any odd number of color stones in any position in any order i want? and for example be able to put only all white stones and maybe one black stone on the board.
the reason for this is so i can show my exploring of mechanical shapes and show their mechanical functions in motion.
perhaps script a cross coordinate that is off the board that can hold infinite # of stones and any stones on that cross coordinate would be invisible to the readers as to make a solution for the feature im asking about.
Scire hostis animum - Intelligere ludum - Nosce te ipsum - Prima moventur conciliat - Nolite errare
Dec 16, 2001
Powell, OH
37 Home page
Re: Shape research
Sep 8, 2008, 6:53 PM
yeah i thought there already was a way to load up white pieces and black pieces separately to avoid the problem you ran into.
there is code already to do that in the part of the system that draws the image. its just that currently there is no way to make it work from the forums.
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: Shape research
Sep 10, 2008, 10:24 AM
i meant to start the viewing board at the position of the beginning shape,.. so then the viewer could click forward to view in motion what the shape is designed to do if un answered. but if it starts off at a single stone then the viewer might not know at which point the core beggining shape was completed right before it triggers its double threat feature...hope that was said clearly.
Scire hostis animum - Intelligere ludum - Nosce te ipsum - Prima moventur conciliat - Nolite errare
Dec 16, 2001
40 Home page
Re: Shape research
Sep 12, 2008, 11:43 AM
Figures 2, 3 and 10 are similar and can be grouped together as the "Scissortail". A key difference between a novice player and a good player is that the novice usually prematurely extends his threes into fours while the better player leaves his three alone and often has the threat of the Scissortail looming. Here's what Braunlich said in Pente Strategy Book II, page 32, diagram 21: "This formation is a very educational Magnitude 3 threat to study. I like to call it the "scissortailed flycatcher", after the state bird of Oklahoma, or the scissortail for short. Don't ask me where I get my names; sometimes its difficult to christen these things."