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Game analysis thread?
Posted: Jun 16, 2008, 5:35 AM

Perhaps you occasionally run across an interesting game while studying a position or an upcoming opponent's games. If so, perhaps you'd like to share interesting features or analysis here. It doesn't even have to be a brilliant game or analysis. Anything that might be of interest to other Pente players of various skill levels will do as far as I'm concerned. So, I'll start the ball rolling. Never having played niobium, I was interested in looking at a few of his games. I thought the following one was interesting. Niobium won as P2, but P1 has missed a VCF (victory by continuous forces) win... can you spot it?


[Game "Pente"]
[Site "Pente.org"]
[Event "Live Game"]
[Round "-"]
[Section "-"]
[Date "06/14/2008"]
[Time "11:10:37"]
[TimeControl "20"]
[Rated "Y"]
[Player 1 Name "cactus"]
[Player 2 Name "niobium"]
[Player 1 Rating "1770"]
[Player 2 Rating "1864"]
[Player 1 Type "Human"]
[Player 2 Type "Human"]
[Result "0-1"]

1. K10 N8 2. K14 N10 3. H12 L9 4. J13 G11 5. N9 P10 6. K12 O9 7. K11 K13 8. M10
L11 9. K9 K8 10. J7 K8 11. M7 P8 12. M11 O8 13. M8 Q11 14. R12 Q8 15. R8 Q7 16.
R6 Q10 17. M9 Q9 0-1

Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat


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Re: Game analysis thread?
Posted: Jun 16, 2008, 6:35 AM

Here's another game where P1 missed out on a VCF win (yeah, I know- Monday morning quarterbacking and all- still we ARE talking about a turn based game with the currently top rated Pente player in the P1 seat, so I think it's somewhat justified...)


[Game "Pente"]
[Site "Pente.org"]
[Event "Turn-based Game"]
[Round "-"]
[Section "-"]
[Date "04/08/2008"]
[Time "11:40:50"]
[TimeControl "7"]
[Rated "Y"]
[Player 1 Name "jozso"]
[Player 2 Name "rlawler"]
[Player 1 Rating "1878"]
[Player 2 Rating "1613"]
[Player 1 Type "Human"]
[Player 2 Type "Human"]
[Result "0-1"]

1. K10 M9 2. N10 O7 3. M8 O9 4. L10 J10 5. M10 O10 6. O8 N8 7. O11 O10 8. K8 P6
9. Q5 L11 10. K9 J8 11. K7 M11 12. L10 K6 13. K9 K11 14. H9 L12 15. L13 L12 16.
J9 G9 17. M6 M13 18. N14 H8 19. G8 J8 20. L10 K9 21. K13 P12 0-1

personally, I think 18. --- H8 is one of the more brilliant sucker moves I've seen in a long while, though if jozso had found the VCF, I likely would never have known about it, of course...

Message was edited by: watsu at Jun 16, 2008 12:35 AM

Message was edited by: watsu at Jun 16, 2008 12:42 AM

Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat

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Be careful which 3 you build
Posted: Jun 16, 2008, 1:50 PM


[Game "Pente"]
[Site "Pente.org"]
[Event "Turn-based Game"]
[Round "-"]
[Section "-"]
[Date "06/15/2007"]
[Time "10:56:13"]
[TimeControl "15"]
[Rated "Y"]
[Player 1 Name "carson75"]
[Player 2 Name "blackkllab"]
[Player 1 Rating "2008"]
[Player 2 Rating "1746"]
[Player 1 Type "Human"]
[Player 2 Type "Human"]
[Result "0-1"]

1. K10 L9 2. K7 J9 3. H9 J8 4. J10 K11 5. J7 L7 6. L10 G8 7. M10 J10 8. H9 H7 9.
N10 O10 10. L12 J10 11. M11 K13 12. O9 P8 13. M9 N8 14. M8 K11 15. L10 N12 16.
K9 K8 17. K9 M9 18. O7 M9 19. N9 M9 20. J9 P9 0-1

I think P1 will win this one with 13 N12 (possibly with M12 also) instead of M9, but thinks don't look pretty for P1 after M9...

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Re: Game analysis thread?
Posted: Jun 17, 2008, 3:03 AM

here this might help,...these links actually will let you view the game and go through the moves one by one.

game 1

game 2

game 3

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Re: Game analysis thread?
Posted: Jun 17, 2008, 4:14 AM

Game 1; (The Allen's Opening -aka- The N8 Opening)

i'll just say i don't like whites second move. not saying its a losing position, but there are other seconds that are easier to work with. My favored second would be N11,..in my opinion

Game 2; (opening name unknown)

not to say i agree with the opening moves of white or not, but i will say that white had the winning position to go L8 on move 10. and that moving K9 on move ten was a losing position. in my opinion.

Game 3; (The Cross Opening)

again, not to say i agree with all of the opening moves of white or not, but i will say that white had the winning position to go L12 on move 9 instead of going N10 to extend. (the extension was unnecessary), and after black goes (if it goes) J10 on move 9 then white goes K13 on move 10. but if black decides to re-block by going N10 on move 9 instead, then white can go H11 on move 10 for the winning position once again,..in my opinion.


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Re: Game analysis thread?
Posted: Jun 17, 2008, 9:36 AM

Thanks for the additional comments zoeyk. I'll put links to future games in the format you've given above.

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Re: Game analysis thread?
Posted: Jun 17, 2008, 8:40 PM

yes ok,.. theres more than one way to change the format,
you can go to the persons profile to find the game link, or you can convert the text line to the playable link by replacing the following text; pgn.jsp
with the new text of; viewLiveGame

this is another method so you can convert them right out of the data base with out going to the players profile.

there is also a way to put a picture of a game into the thread, but you cannot click through moves, it would be more of a still picture. if you want to know how to do that to i can add that info in.

Oh and,... if the link has a 7 as its ending number, the 7 will diapier and the link won't work. so in this case the way i forced the 7 to work is at the end of the link text i typed a period. "." and that forced the 7 to remain, thus allowing the link to work.


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Re: Game analysis thread?
Posted: Jul 16, 2008, 4:09 PM

My analysis of a recent poof Pente game lepews and I played is here:

Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat

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Re: Game analysis thread?
Posted: Aug 7, 2008, 7:08 AM

I ran across a link for a Pente tutorial site which 2004 Pente champ (and OKC 2003 cochamp) Dmitriking set up. It includes his game (and analysis) against Dufus in the championship in Vegas. The link is @ http://tiger.towson.edu/~dking2/portfolio/pentetutorial_files/frame.htm#slide0001.htm

I've transcribed the moves below:
Dufus= P1 Dmitriking= P2 (sorry I don't have the game in standard event etc. form, I'm transcribing from the slideshow @ http://tiger.towson.edu/~dking2/portfolio/pentetutorial_files/frame.htm#slide0001.htm

1.) K10 K9 2.) N10 N9 3.) M10 L10 4.) M11 J8 5.) M9 O10 6.) M8 M7 7.) M10 M12 8.) N7 O6 9.) L9 J11 10.) N11 H7 11.) G6 O11 12.) J7 L11 13.) M11 N11 14.) K8 H6 15.) P11 N9 16.) L9 M9 17.) M11 H11 18.) L12 L8 19.) J10 H10 Dufus resigns

For Dmitri's analysis and commentary on the game, visit his site.

Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat
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