Stepanov has displayed a nice analysis of a Boston opening game. I like to see that kind of thing, feel free to post game analyses of your own at this site! I guess that means I should do it too...hmmm.
This message was originally posted at Yahoo's pente group.
Re: Analysis posting by Oleg
Aug 4, 2001, 4:47 PM
Stepanov-I think this was a new player who did not understand the coordinate system on the game board. Your English is wonderful, much better than my Russian!
This message was originally posted at Yahoo's pente group.
Re: Analysis posting by Oleg
Aug 4, 2001, 6:06 PM
Looks like peoples still read my Analysis. But why nobody wrote me? It was only first message.
My next project School of Oleg Stepanov. I will try to play pro-pente every #1 Main Tournament every month on IYT. And I will write comments for interesting games on my page. If somebody played interesting game - write me. olegstepanov@m...
This message was originally posted at Yahoo's pente group.
The board is broken up into a grid (19x19) with letters on the bottom and numbers on the side. The first stone (white) is always placed at K10. On the analysis, the number on the stones indicate the move numbers. (1 - K10 white, 2 - J11 Black, 3 - G10 White etc) So the fist pictures stops at the 7th move and continues from the 8th to the 11th move on the second picture.
If you have a pente board it may be help to place the stones on the board in sequence.