Balanced swap positions in games with draws - how many stones needed?
Mar 1, 2022, 5:27 AM
So, there are a few Pente related games and variants which allow for the possibility of a drawn game. Due to having two ways to win, I suspect that a draw in most Pente variants isn't a possibility if one assumes that: 1. both players are playing to win and 2. both players are good enough to spot and prosecute a winning end game sequence.
However, gomoku and renju games occasionally end in draws, ninuki renju has a rare draw case and poof Pente can be played with a 10-10 capture score resulting in a drawn game.
So, in swap or swap2 opening positions in games in which a draw is achievable, roughly what minimum number of stones does one need to place on the board in order to achieve a balanced position where "perfect" play by both sides results in a draw? My guess for poof Pente is ~ 10-15 stones. I'd be interested in hearing guesses from gomoku and renju players regarding those games.
Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat