Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
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Review of the reverse (nouneii) wedge opening. circa 2000
Nov 18, 2014, 6:28 AM
The reverse (nouneii) wedge opening. circa 2000 Exemplified by P1's J10 move as shown in the lower diagram.
was checking out a opening.. some different paths,.. I'll point out a couple games from BK here,.. and on one of these games where P2 lost, I would like to propose a new novelty move for P2 and see what any one thinks of it.
Here is an old game where P1 won by not going for the pair but instead making a 4 and giving a pair away. However I may have found a new move for P2 here.
In this second game I would like you to imagine if P2 had not played .8 J12,.. but instead had played my new idea of .8 G10.
So yes I basically made this thread for people to look at .8 G10,.. and give me their opinions and feed back on it.
With that said,.. for new comers not familiar with this opening, as nosovs would had played it, I do believe P1's correct 6th move is H10,.. not the .6 J9 as shown in the above game. Please note that the orientation I refer to here is not the same as the view-able boards at the top and bottom of this post,.. but I actually and referring to moves in the orientation as shown in this link: just had to be clear on that for new comers not familiar.
Players who like to play 6. H10 as P1 off the top of my head are dein and s3v3n, and perhaps water_dancer.
Thanks for reading,
P.s. here is a variation first played by me (H11) and temporarily popularized by me, circa 2010.
Scire hostis animum - Intelligere ludum - Nosce te ipsum - Prima moventur conciliat - Nolite errare
Re: Review of the reverse (nouneii) wedge opening. circa 2000
Nov 18, 2014, 7:07 PM
I remember seeing that first game with you against dein and thinking it was quite clever
For the novelty I've been looking at white capturing with .9 F12 in response to black .8 G10 and haven't been able to see anything black could do that would make it too bad for white. What were you thinking black would do next in that situation?
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: Review of the reverse (nouneii) wedge opening. circa 2000
Nov 19, 2014, 7:06 PM
H11,J12,J10, then if white plays to G12 or K9 black plays to H10. from there I'll assume white captures to and from G12-K9. then black replaces J10, White then blocks at K10, then black capture to H8, at which point white reblocks the 4 at K10 again. then black blocks the 3 at H12.
from here if black is allowed to play the H9 move black will win by captures.
What do you see in what I have just illustrated?
Scire hostis animum - Intelligere ludum - Nosce te ipsum - Prima moventur conciliat - Nolite errare