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Topic: Congrats to zhangying!
Replies: 2   Views: 20,975   Pages: 1   Last Post: Dec 16, 2007, 3:08 AM by: jhs55

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Congrats to zhangying!
Posted: Dec 2, 2007, 9:49 PM

Congrats on winning the C6 tourney zhangying!

Also it has come to my attention that the time limits for C6 tournament games should be increased from 20/5. That makes sense to me since there are many more moves made in C6 than in Pente and its variants. So future C6 tournaments here at pente.org will use something like 30/5 or 30/15.


Pente Rocks!


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Re: Congrats to zhangying!
Posted: Dec 9, 2007, 6:10 AM

Yes, hats off to zhanying. He's a great player and very friendly to compete with. Hopefully I will something from my matches with him and give him more of a challenge next time. Hope to see him in the next tourney!


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Re: Congrats to zhangying!
Posted: Dec 16, 2007, 3:08 AM

Dweebo, incresing the time for C-6 to 30/15 is a hugh amount, I have found that playing C-6 with the timer set at 20/10 makes a very noticable differance, in tournaments mybe 20/15, it dosen't sound like much more time, but it is

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