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Topic: carson vs marshall
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carson vs marshall
Posted: Jun 30, 2007, 5:26 PM

Okay, when are we gonna do this thing? I am available most of the weekend, including later tonight. Just send me an invite of what times will work best for you.

I should avaiable tonight between 10pm and 2am EST/DSG time. Tomorrow I am open. Weekdays, I am usually available between 7 and 11pm. What works best for you?

oh... and BTW, good luck!


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Re: carson vs marshall
Posted: Jul 4, 2007, 3:42 AM

Marshall.... where are you? You cannot hide from me forever!


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Re: carson vs marshall
Posted: Jul 4, 2007, 9:04 AM

heh, i'm around...i'm off thursday night but not sure when exactly i'll be here....should be around sometime around then tho....


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Re: carson vs marshall
Posted: Jul 4, 2007, 1:36 PM

Well, we need to pick a time since I cannot sit in the game room all evening. How about 10pm EST (9pm Central) Thursday night? Will that work for you? If not, please suggest an alternate time. Thanks.


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Re: carson vs marshall
Posted: Jul 4, 2007, 8:03 PM

i dont know when i'll be here as i'm not sure yet what i'm doing tomorrow...i'll send ya a message tomorrow if i know a exact time....i'm off tuesday as well if tomorrow doesnt work out...


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Re: carson vs marshall
Posted: Jul 4, 2007, 8:19 PM

I see that you are currently online. Lets do this thing. I am logged into the game room and ready to go.


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Re: carson vs marshall
Posted: Jul 4, 2007, 8:46 PM

Where did you go? You logged out of DSG without reading your messages. Please look for me and read your messages before you leave next time. Okay? I don't want to put this off till next week considering we have a strong possibility to tie a couple sets. We should try to get the first couple of sets in as soon as possible.


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Re: carson vs marshall
Posted: Jul 5, 2007, 7:28 AM

sorry...i was getting ready for work and didnt have time to play regardless...some of us do have jobs ya know...>_>...i'll be around thurday afternoon but will prolly be gone most of the evening....next best chance after that would be tuesday as i'm working this weekend as well...


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Re: carson vs marshall
Posted: Jul 6, 2007, 11:35 PM

okay... can you make Tuesday around 10pm EST? If not, please choose a time between 6 and 11pm.

Also, what is your weekend work schedule? I might be able to play you early or late depending on your work hours? That we would could get this out of the way earlier. If not, Tuesday evening is fine as I mentioned above..

See ya later,


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Re: carson vs marshall
Posted: Jul 7, 2007, 7:48 AM

not sure what my plans are for tuesday night yet if any....as of right now that should be fine....as far as the weekend goes i prolly wont be back home till very late sat....sunday i should be back by bout 1am eastern....so yea, tuesdays still prolly the best bet if you dont wanna play in the wee hours of the night...


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Re: carson vs marshall
Posted: Jul 7, 2007, 4:19 PM

What time are you talking about late sat night? If I am awake, I will look for you. If I am not awake, then I will look for you on Tuesday.


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Re: carson vs marshall
Posted: Jul 7, 2007, 8:09 PM

i might be going out after work, so prolly wont be back till like 3am eastern....


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Re: carson vs marshall
Posted: Jul 7, 2007, 9:23 PM

3am might be a little late for me. If you get home earlier, I will look for you around 1am or so. If I miss you, we will just default back to Tuesday evening as we planned earlier.

Have fun at work! Happy Lucky Day (07-07-07)!


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Re: carson vs marshall
Posted: Jul 10, 2007, 4:54 AM

Okay, you never said what time you wanted to play on Tuesday. Let's shoot for 9:30pm EST/DSG time. Will that work for you? If not, I might be available a couple hours earlier or maybe 1 hour later, but I would prefer something closer to 9 or 9:30.

So how about it? 9:30pm good for you?


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Re: carson vs marshall
Posted: Jul 10, 2007, 7:17 AM

i may be out sometime during the day, not sure when yet....but 9:30 should be fine unless my plans change....and if they do i'll try to remember to post here...

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