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Topic: Small tourneys weekly
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Posts: 39
Registered: Dec 16, 2001
Small tourneys weekly
Posted: Dec 15, 2002, 8:47 AM

Hello Pente Land,

I have been thinking about creating a league to bring into DSG. This would allow us to play many various sized tourneys on a weekly basis. The tourneys could be created in minutes and the status could be checked repeatedly as the tourneys are being played. There would be Ladder games available when tourneys were not being held. I believe that this would be a success. I would like to know how many people would be interested in giving this a shot.


Posts: 751
Registered: Mar 1, 2002
From: My Own Lil World Mostly
Age: 43
Re: Small tourneys weekly
Posted: Dec 15, 2002, 11:34 PM

> Hello Pente Land,
> I have been thinking about creating a league to
> bring into DSG. This would allow us to play many
> various sized tourneys on a weekly basis. The
> tourneys could be created in minutes and the status
> could be checked repeatedly as the tourneys are
> being played. There would be Ladder games available
> when tourneys were not being held. I believe that
> this would be a success. I would like to know how
> many people would be interested in giving this a
> shot.

I think this is a great idea!! I would be more than willing to give it a shot!


Posts: 375
Registered: Dec 16, 2001
Age: 40
Re: Small tourneys weekly (a note for DWEEBO)
Posted: Dec 16, 2002, 1:34 AM

Dweebo-- I think your text censor is a bit overzealous! It censors the word "hell0" because its first four letters spell out hel_. I had to use a zero just to type the word... ANyway, about the weekly tournaments, that sounds like it could be a good idea.


Posts: 375
Registered: Dec 16, 2001
Age: 40
Posted: Dec 16, 2002, 1:35 AM

ha ha.. oc fourse my uysing a zero did not work. But you know what I meant. I could type he11o and that should work.


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Re: Small tourneys weekly
Posted: Dec 16, 2002, 10:50 PM


>The tourneys could be created in minutes
Yes, if it were automated by the site -- but you'd have to ask Dweebo how much work that would be for him. He has done a lot of work on setting up the webpages for Tournament 4.

I don't want to mishit the point, but it might be a bombshell to drop on Dweebo, we don't want to shellac him, but we don't have to walk on eggshells either. LOL.



Posts: 39
Registered: Dec 16, 2001
Re: Small tourneys weekly
Posted: Dec 17, 2002, 12:40 AM

>The tourneys could be created in minutes
Yes, if it were automated by the site -- but you'd have to ask Dweebo how much work that would be for him. He has done a lot of work on setting up the webpages for Tournament 4.

I don't want to mi**** the point, but it might be a bombs**** to drop on Dweebo, we don't want to s****ac him, but we don't have to walk on eggs****s either. LOL.


Hello Mark,
I think perhaps I had better explain this a little better. What I have done is filled out an application with myleague.com and they have allowed me to create a pente league. The league is www.myleague.com/penteaddiction. I am the leagues administrator and the head tourney director, for now. What this site allows me to do is invite players from DSG to go to the pente addiction league site and sign up there to become members. The players will need to use their user name from DSG for their league name; I would encourage every one to create a different password for the league site. Once we have enough members in the league all the tourneys would be handled by me through the league site and played at DSG. It does not take a lot of members but in order to play small fast timer tourneys we would need at least 4-league members at DSG at the same time to play a tourney. This is not at all an attempt to replace the HUGE tourneys that you all have been putting together at DSG. NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM! This is just pure fun and a way that we could play speed tourneys and on long days play some 10-minute tourneys perhaps? Only time will tell. This league also rewards players with what they are calling Buxx. These can be accumulated over time and them be traded in for many different items through the pente addiction league site. Another thing this league would be offering is ladder matches. This is a simple system that allows members of the league to play games against each other at DSG, the loser of the game would then sign into the league site and report his or her loss. The league site keeps track of all this and places the players on ladder rungs from top to bottom. Just another way to create bragging rights and would create the players on the lower ladder rung to seek out the top players and try to nock them off their top rungs. If this is successful we can add as many TD’s as the members see fit. That way there would be some one there most of the time that could put together small tourneys just for fun. Please check out the league site and feel free to sign up while you are there.
I also emailed Dweebo shortly after posting my original post asking for his permission to bring this league play into DSG. I have not received any response yet, but if he does not think this is something he wants in his site then I would be more than happy to cancel the league with very little repercussions. I hope this clears up a few things and I apologize for not being a little more specific in my original post. I was just looking into this league stuff and have now gained all the info needed to make it happen.
Thanks a bunch, Wyatt (vitals)


Posts: 260
Registered: Dec 16, 2001
From: Maryland
Age: 53
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Re: Small tourneys weekly
Posted: Dec 17, 2002, 7:41 PM

Hi vitals,

Oh I see, all of the administrative work is done on a different site, that would be great! Let's try it out.

PS. I see the censor is no longer replacing hello with ****o, but it still replaced my word m i s h i t


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