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Time to sign up! Q.F.S.P. Tourney #2
Jan 20, 2008, 10:00 PM
Time to sign up every one! The next Quick Fire Speed Pente Tourney will be on Monday the 28th of January. Anyone may sign up. The tourney will be completed in the same evening it starts. Sign up dead line is set for Sunday the 27th.
Event location;
Event Time beginning; Monday 01-28-2008 @ 3pm Hawaii, 6pm Pst, 7pm Mountain, 8pm Central, 9pm Est
Last Tourneys Winners; First place - Karlw. Second place - Richardiii. Third place - Zoeyk.
Crowns were updated at the site.
Final Match! ====================== 1 Spavacz ~vs~ 2 Richardiii (3-1) ======================
~~~~~~~~Tourney Winner is Spavacz !!!~~~~~~~~
Second Place Crown goes to Richardiii!!! (Again!!)
Third Place Gold Pawns go to both Rlawler and Mickeyss for making it to the Third Round!!!
Good Work Guys!
A Big Thanks to all of you that attended this event!!!
Go to " " to view the awards page!
See you at the next Q.F.S.P. Tourney!!!
________________________________________________________ Votes; Spavacz - K - single elim Karlw - K - single elim Jozso - K - double elim
Richardiii - R - single elim Zoeyk - R - single elim Ukie60 - R - single elim Jhs55 - R - double elim Nodnarbo - R - double elim Lisa_a - R - double elim Mickeyss - R - double elim Lewpews - R - single elim
Jlee0716 - single elim Kruskin - single elim
Ok, so the winner of the seeding vote is Richardiii.
Single elimination wins the vote.
Message was edited by: zoeyk at Jan 29, 2008 1:11 AM
Scire hostis animum - Intelligere ludum - Nosce te ipsum - Prima moventur conciliat - Nolite errare
Feb 29, 2004
the land of smelly cheese
Re: Time to sign up! Q.F.S.P. Tourney #2
Jan 22, 2008, 11:18 PM
go on then - it's been ages since i played live but I'll be in too - as long as nothing happens between now and then that precludes me from being available on monday.
Re: Time to sign up! Q.F.S.P. Tourney #2
Jan 23, 2008, 9:20 PM
Alright, so I'm told people are still confused as to what the format of the last tournament was, which is shocking, but oh well. From now on, all tournaments 8 players and over will be single elim, all tournaments under 8 players will be round robin. But for those of you still curious, I did a single elim/round robin hybrid for the last tournament, which I thought would be the best system. Here is how it worked:
ROUND 1 WAS SINGLE ELIM. Whoever won a set first, made it to round 2.
ROUND 2 WAS ROUND ROBIN. ALL SCORES FROM ROUND 1 WERE ERASED. It was me, zoey, and richard, and we each played each other 4 games. I went 3-1 against zoey and 2-2 against richard, giving me a total of 5 WINS FOR THE ROUND. Zoey went 2-2 against rich and 1-3 against me, giving him 3 WINS FOR THE ROUND. rich tied both, giving him 4 WINS FOR THE ROUND. That's where the numbers come from. I know it was a weird way to do things, but I thought it was a much more interesting way to finish things off than single elim because of how tiny the turnout was. Does it make sense now?
It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.