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Topic: Tournament director?!?
Replies: 1   Views: 35,927   Pages: 1   Last Post: Jun 17, 2007, 6:58 PM by: partica

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Posts: 970
Registered: Mar 7, 2006
From: Eugene, Oregon
Age: 36
Tournament director?!?
Posted: Jun 16, 2007, 6:45 PM

Dweebo, I don't know where you've been, but the tournament should've started last night, and the matchups haven't been posted, and the room and forum haven't been created. My only guess is that this is due to the lack of a tournament director. Spifster said he'd be willing to do it, I heard from partica that she'd be glad to, if necessary, I could do it; what's it gonna be?

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.


Posts: 751
Registered: Mar 1, 2002
From: My Own Lil World Mostly
Age: 43
Re: Tournament director?!?
Posted: Jun 17, 2007, 6:58 PM

The tournament has begun! Please take a moment to look at your match up and post the time you can play in the forum! Good Luck Everyone!

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