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Topic: Results of Bytom Open 2007 Pente Tournament (10Feb)
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Results of Bytom Open 2007 Pente Tournament (10Feb)
Posted: Feb 17, 2007, 3:24 PM


Place Name Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

1 Nowakowski, Maciej 6 19.0 25.0 21.0
2 Tamioła, Artur 6 17.0 25.0 25.0
3 Skrzypczak, Mikolaj 5 20.0 29.0 21.0
4 Kokoszka, Arek 4 22.0 31.0 17.0
5 Koziarek, Tomasz 4 16.0 22.0 12.0
6 Nykl, Ondřej 4 13.0 17.0 13.0
7 Wiatrak, Paweł 3 22.0 28.0 18.0
8 Godlewski, Filip 3 20.0 28.0 15.0
9 Wileczek, Michał 3 16.0 21.0 12.0
10 Korus, Krzysztof 2 16.0 22.0 9.0
11 Małowiejski, Piotr 2 16.0 22.0 5.0
12 Nowak, Paweł 0 16.0 24.0 0.0

Cross Table
No  Name                Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1. Godlewski, Filip 3 6:W 10:L 12:W 8:L 7:W 9:L 4:L
2. Kokoszka, Arek 4 7:W 9:L 11:W 6:L 3:W 10:W 8:L
3. Koziarek, Tomasz 4 8:L 6:L 4:W 11:W 2:L 12:W 5:W
4. Małowiejski, Piotr 2 9:L 7:L 3:L 5:W 12:L 11:L 1:W
5. Nowak, Paweł 0 10:L 12:L 6:L 4:L 11:L 7:L 3:L
6. Nowakowski, Maciej 6 1:L 3:W 5:W 2:W 9:W 8:W 10:W
7. Nykl, Ondřej 4 2:L 4:W 10:L 12:W 1:L 5:W 11:W
8. Skrzypczak, Mikołaj 5 3:W 11:W 9:L 1:W 10:W 6:L 2:W
9. Tamioła, Artur 6 4:W 2:W 8:W 10:W 6:L 1:W 12:W
10. Wiatrak, Paweł 3 5:W 1:W 7:W 9:L 8:L 2:L 6:L
11. Wileczek, Michał 3 12:W 8:L 2:L 3:L 5:W 4:W 7:L
12. Korus, Krzysztof 2 11:L 5:W 1:L 7:L 4:W 3:L 9:L

Nicknames (Name 'Nick' Surname)

Maciej 'Utratos' Nowakowski
Artur 'Arczi' Tamioła
Mikołaj 's3v3n' Skrzypczak
Arkadiusz 'aaru' Kokoszka
Tomasz 'Honor' Koziarek
Ondřej 'Ondik' Nykl
Paweł 'Wicherek' Wiatrak
Filip 'Chaosu' Godlewski
Michał 'Vilumisiek' Wileczek
Krzysztof 'Blueman' Korus
Piotr 'Angst' Małowiejski
Paweł 'Peaceman' Nowak

Polish Gomoku, Renju and Pente Association ratings are not available yet.
Peaceman is good gomoku/renju player, he is RIF rated (see link #1).
Angst is good polish player gomoku/renju player. He is selector of Polish Internet Gomoku Representation.
Vilumisiek is good gomoku player. He is new to real tournaments (it was his third i think). He participated in pente because he is enjoying playing (like rest of us) : ).
Blueman is registered here and he should be known. He is playing again after a break.
You probably want to know who was first and who second player. View link #2 for details (bolded result means that player was beginning).
Any questions/comments are welcome.

link #1 http://stepanov.lk.net/rifrat/1231-01.html
link #2 http://www.gomoku.pl/grp/turnieje/13b/13b_pt.pdf



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Re: Results of Bytom Open 2007 Pente Tournament (10Feb)
Posted: Feb 17, 2007, 8:35 PM

chaosu: I'm just going off of the standings, not off of what I actually think/know.

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.

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Re: Results of Bytom Open 2007 Pente Tournament (10Feb)
Posted: Feb 19, 2007, 8:33 AM

Who is dein-moredhel gorath ?
elpidji-zum ?


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Re: Results of Bytom Open 2007 Pente Tournament (10Feb)
Posted: Feb 19, 2007, 8:35 AM

100per ?


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Re: Results of Bytom Open 2007 Pente Tournament (10Feb)
Posted: Feb 19, 2007, 8:37 AM

I see 14 polish players - can you write their names


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Re: Results of Bytom Open 2007 Pente Tournament (10Feb)
Posted: Feb 19, 2007, 4:32 PM

Zum, Dein and 100per were not present.
I wrote nicknames under tables. Do You want me to change names to nicks in tables too?


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Re: Results of Bytom Open 2007 Pente Tournament (10Feb)
Posted: Feb 19, 2007, 5:15 PM

Yes, I mean BK Tournament participants and Poland Players names.


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Re: Results of Bytom Open 2007 Pente Tournament (10Feb)
Posted: Feb 19, 2007, 10:27 PM

Lets try again:
surname name / nickname / nickname on brainking:
Nowakowski, Maciej / Utratos / utratos
Tamioła, Artur / Arczi / arczi
Skrzypczak, Mikolaj / s3v3n / s3v3n
Kokoszka, Arek / aaru / aaru
Koziarek, Tomasz / Honor / _HonoR_
Nykl, Ondřej / Ondik / not playing ?
Wiatrak, Paweł / Wicherek / _wicherek_
Godlewski, Filip / Chaosu / Chaosu
Wileczek, Michał / Vilumisiek / not playing
Korus, Krzysztof / Blueman / not playing
Małowiejski, Piotr / Angst / not playing
Nowak, Paweł / Peaceman / not playing

other polish players participating in BK tourney but not present in Bytom (BK nick / usual nick):
pro_gram / Konrad50, pro_gram, Siganiv
100per / 100per
zum / zum, gnoza
moredhel_gorath / Dein
lutalek / Lutalek
yoss / Yossarian
xyzoo / Lonewolf (present in Bytom but not participating in tourney)

I hope this is what You requested.


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Re: Results of Bytom Open 2007 Pente Tournament (10Feb)
Posted: Feb 20, 2007, 5:03 AM

Yes, thanks but can you write Names (Family) of userids, I am sure that they played in another Tournaments in Poland or Renju\Go-moku Tournaments


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Re: Results of Bytom Open 2007 Pente Tournament (10Feb)
Posted: Feb 20, 2007, 7:41 AM

surname name / nickname / nickname on brainking:
Korus, Krzysztof / Blueman / BlueMan



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Re: Results of Bytom Open 2007 Pente Tournament (10Feb)
Posted: Feb 20, 2007, 2:59 PM

Sure, but right now You need to browse tournaments on gomoku.pl by Yourself.

Konrad Pociask / pro_gram / Konrad50, pro_gram, Siganiv
Miłosz Olborski / 100per / 100per
Militowski Dawid / zum / zum, gnoza
Kacper Klepacki / moredhel_gorath / Dein
Łukasz Bochenek/ lutalek / Lutalek
Andrzejewski Wawrzyniec / yoss / Yossarian
xyzoo / Lonewolf (never played)


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Re: Results of Bytom Open 2007 Pente Tournament (10Feb)
Posted: Feb 21, 2007, 7:36 PM

omg chaosu I'm not zum ;p

Militowski Dawid / gnoza / gnoza ;p


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Re: Results of Bytom Open 2007 Pente Tournament (10Feb)
Posted: Feb 22, 2007, 8:59 AM

zum = elejpidi


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Re: Results of Bytom Open 2007 Pente Tournament (10Feb)
Posted: Feb 22, 2007, 3:09 PM

Sorry, musisz wiecej jezdzic na turnieje ; )
ale chyba dobrze kojarze ze gnoza - Lódź ?

Poza tym to amerykance chcieli koniecznie wyniki a nawet wielki karlw sie nie wypowiedzial (ba, odpisal mi na post z innego tematu) hehehehe


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Re: Results of Bytom Open 2007 Pente Tournament (10Feb)
Posted: Feb 23, 2007, 2:58 AM

Pay no mind to the Polish military bases sprouting up here at DSG....I have been assured that they are simply 'Browsing'.

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